Hooligan Spirit

I think I should start using songs on Pandora when I can't think of a title for a post. I'll just use what ever is playing. Which is what I did for this post. XD I really like the group Hybrid, I'd like to add an album or two of theirs to my music collection.

Anyway, my fingers have healed up nicely, enough that it takes a good amount of pressure to trigger a response. They're still a little sore, but not too bad. Which is a good thing since I have the new Star Ocean game on pre-order and it comes out today.

The cover art certainly looks great and so far all of the trailers I've seen look fantastic too. It's also good to see that so far it's getting good reviews. I really enjoyed Till the End of Time so I'm looking forward to another Star Ocean game. :3

It should come in the mail today or later this week. Naturally I want it to show up today. XD I'm just glad my hand has healed up. I mean, it would really suck to have a new game and not be able to play it. Hehe.

EDIT: Oh and one other thing that I forgot to mention. I really hate when people get in a tizzy over a moderation decision. Honestly, it's not the end of the world to have an e-card removed. When someone drags it out and comes back with the You'll never have to worry about submissions from me cause I'm leaving spiel.... At that point I'm thinking: Thank you, don't come again.
