So, just a few points I want to cover here.
One: Why do people think coming into chat... only to spend FOUR HOURS telling everyone they're slashing their wrists, biting their tongue so they'll bleed to death, and saying they just killed themselves... is actually amusing?
I mean if everyone is leaving the room since you constantly talk or do actions indicating you're harming yourself, it should be a clue to knock it off. Saying, I'm only joking is a lame excuse. A joke is funny maybe once, not when it's repeated over and over for hours until I have to tell you to shut up.
Two: I love when secrets become nifty surprises that the intended target never saw coming, at all. Those always make me smile. And no I won't clarify.
Three: Allamorph and Indi are hooligans. Especially Indi. ._.
That is all.