July Already...

Well my net seems to be fixed. So far it's running fine since they came out and checked things over. Hopefully it will stay that way. I hate it when it's not working.

I was going to start the new chat moderation program today. But I forgot that Adam is out of town for the holiday. He needs to be at home for some of the changes so that will have to wait until he returns next week.

So you'll all have to wait a little longer to find out who the first group is. And yes, this is me saying they've already been selected. I had that set when I posted about it in my other world.

Hmmm, let's see, it's 3am so I really should go to bed and get some sleep. I'll probably do that as soon as I'm done here. Oh and it's my turn in Shinigami Dance. I need to post. The story has been a lot of fun lately and I'm looking forward to doing my post since it will include some fun stuff. :3

And finally, cryptic messages are us... I really, really, dislike people who continue to harass someone after being asked to not talk to them. Especially when the person doing it, is supposed to be nearly four years older and therefore more mature.

But we all know that age is no indication of actual maturity. I can honestly say that I've seen twelve year old members lurking on the site who would make better moderators than people who are over eighteen years old. So yeah. Right now I'm so not impressed with someone. ._.
