My First Challenge~

i'm's my first challenge....
i really choosing the hardest one...yet....
i can't help it.... i like reading someone's comic....^^
here's teh link~ please join~
well here what i write~~~~:
well..... this is my first challenge~~~~
draw me a comic that will warms my heart....(like making me cry,sad,happy or just making me say : Awww~~~~)

Rules(not so much...but okay):
- No Yaoi or Yuri...i'm scared of that.....(but okay if you want...i don't mind~)
-It May be your OC and other character of animes~
-Don't have to be coloured but...pleaseeeee~~~~

it's not so long...that's okay...a one page comic is okay~~~
i'm hoping for everyone creativity.....
You don't have to dedicate it to me~
Well...times still long (in case u want to make a long story)i give you Two months~(is that enough? ^^)

prizes~:(includes medals~)
First : Anything u want~ (Wallie,story,card,fanart,not comic's hard for me~~~)+card
Second : A Wallie + card
Third: A Wallie
and whoever participate gets my hug ~~~ ^^

something randomly drawn ~~~~
