I made a challenge....

It's been a while since my last challenge~
I hope anyone would enter it....
there's so many fanart contest these days...

It's been a while since I made some challenge...
so... here I go...

I love the Mad Hatter a LOT
whether it's from Disney,Tim Burton's Alice in the wonderland, Xerxes Break's chain or just random OCs!

In this challenge I want all the mad hatter fans to make a mad hatter!
Make the hat as weird , as creative or as plain as possible!

It could be a fan character or an OC
any mad hatter is accepted...yay!

*ehem* as always...

-Follow TheO rules :D
-Have fun !
-Please don't re-submit old drawings ... I don't mind but...I rather see the new drawings XD

You may color it... you may made it monochrome...
I'll judge it based on creativity and my own liking XD/shot
Mad hatter don't have to be a person...
I didn't mind a bunny hatter or a robot hatter! XD

Tee hee~ ask me anything if you still don't understand~

Winners will get ( includes medal) :
-a gift and anything you want ( wallie,fanart or e,card)

you have a month~
I just love mad hatter...
ah~ a friend of mine do my comission very very nicely!
I'm gonna put it here XD
