Add me up baby

Ok so I'm bored at the moment and, I decided to post. So yeah about the title of this post if any of you guys have a Myspace then here is my URL, just be sure to send me a little message along with your friends request telling me your username here on TheO, or else I probally won't add you back.:P Also you guys that have a DevaintArt account you can watch me at so yay for new friends! I have a new drawing up if any of you'd care to go take a look at it. I know the proportions are a bit off but, I still like the drawing.:D

So what have you guys been up to lately? How's everyones summers going? Good I hope. Anyone going to the beach for the 4th of July? I'm not but, I might be going the week after the 4th. I'm not sure yet. Still no calls back from the places I applied for a job at. I really don't want to work in a grocery store or a fastfood place but, I might have to. I dunno. Oh yeah! Since schools out and, I don't have much to do I'm taking requests. That is if anyone wants to make one. If you do then just PM me with the details and, I'll draw it up fo ya.XD Well I've run out of things to talk about so I'll be on my way. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
