School started back today TTATT

Yeah I started back to school today. Yay me…not! Well honestly it wasn’t too bad. I mean I don’t really have any classes with people that I enjoy being with but, I do at least know most of the people in my classes, and I know their names and they know mine. So in time I guess I might talk to some of them…maybe. Anyways, I’m officially a junior at my school. Go me! I’ve been going to school for 11 years now so…only one more left after this one! And really if you count the years I was in pre school I’ve been going to school for…14 years.@_@ Oh my…I didn’t realize I’d been going to school for so long. For those of you that don’t know what pre school is it’s, like a daycare type thing but, it’s more like school. You learn your colors, how to tie your shoes, how to count to like 10. Basic stuff that you have to know. It’s sort of like glorified kindergarten.

So when I got to school today…which was at like 7:30 this morning! But my mom had to go to school so I understood.lolz I noticed all of these kids just standing in the middle of the little walkway thing…in these massive hordes of people. So I walked around them all and stood at my little spot and waited for my friends to get there. When one of my guys friends got there who’s a year or so younger than me I went “dude…are all these kids freshmen?” his reply was “Yyyyeeeppp” and I went “dude! They are all taller than me!! Why does everyone have to be taller than me??!!”. Just so you guys now I’m kind of short and most of the people I know are either a few inches taller than me or, a lot taller than me. And they like to remind me how short I am from time to time, but I think it’s funny so it doesn’t bother me.:D Aslo we have a new principal at my school. So far he’s been really kool. We have a 10min break between 1st and 2nd block,m which had been taken away by our old principal my freshman year because people kept getting into fights. And we also have Spring Fling back this year because, also my freshmen year some idiot senior made a works bomb and threw it at this one mean old lady that works at my school that no one likes. But luckily she wasn’t hurt. And a few other nice improvements in our schools rules and things like that. So now I shall let you all know what my schedule for 08/09 is! Yay for all of you! Lolz Soooo…

1st Semester
1stblock Drawing and painting
2nd English III
3rd Tech Math…cause I stink at math and  that is wayyyy easier than Algebra II
4th Physical Science
2nd Semester
1stblock Spanish II
2nd Art II
3rd HN US History
4th Ceramics II wish is a really fancy way of saying pottery II

Well that’s all I have tot all about today. I’m not too sure on how often I’ll get to post but I’ll try to post at least once a week, if not more. Also I’m working on a drawing of Hibari from Katekyo Hitman Reborn! So be looking out for that in the next few days! Oh yeah! My most recent drawing made it to the second page a few days ago!! I was so proud!! So thank you to those of you that commented and voted for my drawing! I really appreciate it!
