I just got home from taking my exam and, I think I did ok on it. I won’t find out for sure until I call the school, and ask my teacher. My teacher decided to tell us after the exam what we would have to make on the exam to pass it and would you all like to know what I have to make in order to pass? A 9. That’s right…you guys didn’t read that wrong a freakin’ 9!! Just so you guys know I have to get 9 points on the test, the exams are graded on levels of 1,2,3,4. In order to pass the class I have to make a level 3 or 4. So it’s kind of weird and very annoying. I hate testing. It’s so gehy.
I have some new art up(I feel the need to let you guys know that).
Thanks to Mariel I’ve started watching Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series. Also thanks to Rachel I’ve rediscovered my love for Marik (Marilk) Ishtar. I remember back when Yu-Gi-Oh use to come on every Saturday morning. I would get up early just to watch it. I had/still have duel monster magnets, and of course my duel monster deck. I would go to tournaments all the time, and kick all the nerdy little boys that would challenge me to a duel.X3 It was so much fun! I decided to download all of the seasons of Yu-Gi-Oh. I’m such a nerd sometimes.:3 Oh yeah what do you guys think of my new theme?
Well that’s all I have to talk about for today. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!