Azuga 2009: a story told in photos [part 1]

Hello, everyone~ *hugs* Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead, even though I haven't updated with events from my life in almost a month now. However, things are about to change, since I decided to have a series of photo logs describing my most recent trip to Azuga (came back 2 weeks ago). So, let's get started~
Note: these pictures haven't been tampered with, aside from resizing and signature adding. Meaning no manipulation involved.

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This was taken during the train ride. The sunset was beautiful and I even managed to capture some birds flying! And the usual power lines, of course XD I took more photos of this sunset but I think this was the most relevant of them.

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Now here we have the mini-waterfall over at the slopes, in Azuga, obviously at night. It was taken using the Scene mode, which is best when photographing scenery, but it can also mess up your photos at night. Fortunately, I only got a pretty silk effect here, because the water was moving XD It's still not too clear, but it turned out pretty good nonetheless, no?

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A neighborhood cat :) This was taken when we went out for a walk and had Bibi with us; she saw the cat and got closer to her, while the cat naturally took the defensive approach. I love how her green eyes came out, and that little black spot on her nose <3 (I am SO going to be a crazy cat lady when I grow old 8D)

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My dog, Bibi, on one of the rare occasion when she stood still (because she usually runs around bothering people XD), after squishing some innocent daisies. I can't help but wonder how those daisies appeared to her, maybe they were some kind of a forest~

One day, me and my parents went out for a walk along a forest road (the kind that isn't recommendable for cars) and saw some pretty awesome things along the way. This was one of them: a cliff hanging about 15-20 meters above the road. Even though what can be seen is stone, there are some trees growing on it~

P.S. If you want to use these images for your graphics, let me know and I will send you the full versions (around 3750 x 2740 px) ^^
