Teh dork iz back~ orz

Mood: External Image (random and idiotic)
Listening to: my mom complaining about stuff lying around the house (as if that is gonna be tidied up anytime soon *rolls eyes*) and Prodigy - Hotride *addicted to it at the moment*

Hi hi! Look who's here! Yup, it's me again - if you don't know who I am anymore, that's fine too, I don't remember the last time I was active here. Aside from lurking and being a creep and stuff. Life has been a bit rough on me lately, at least compared to how it's been up to this point anyway, so this post will be one looong list of complaints. And sarcastic randomness.

1. I'm failing Maths ._. Seriously, I hate this subject. Or, more like I don't like the tests. What we do in class is easy, but then the exercises in tests are so awkward that I end up staring at them for at least 5 minutes. And if I do solve them (which happens in 90% of the total cases), it's wrong. Yeah. Soo, tomorrow will be the day my average will be decided - the last test of this semester. And boy, do I have integrals.

2. My inspiration and talent are running off together into the sunset a.k.a. I'm on waller's block and can't churn out anything other than crappy fan art. Of which 80% turns out to be hentai in the end -_-" I can't draw cute, shoujo-styled and frilly super heroines anymore!

3. I have a sh!tload of projects to do in a short period of time. That's... 2 Informatics projects, 1 Biology essay, 1 History Of Communism essay and 1 poem to dissect. In, like, 2 weeks. Whoopee *bangs head against keyboard*

4. Recently I noticed I've been talking more and more in netspeak - "lol", "fail", stuff like that. I feel like I'm becoming a geek day by day. Or at least a loser who spends all their time indoors and leeching their parents' money <- which is totally true when it comes to me.

5. I'm reading Stephen King & Peter Straub's book Black House, which is a follow-up of The Talisman. I practically devoured Talisman, but House has been boring as hell so far (what else can I call something if I can't read more than one page before feeling sleepy?) I liked Talisman, but it isn't nearly as epic as The Stand - go read it, it's a great study on human behavior and has a believable "almost-end-of-the-world" scenario.
Btw, I watched 2012. Effects = epic (waves over the mountains of Tibet ftw); plot = crap. The most annoying character lives (of course).
I don't know about Avatar, though. Everyone I've talked to has seen, except -you guessed it - lil' ol' me. And in IMAX too. Though I don't know if I should envy them or not; yesterday I read a post on someone's blog about the subtitle being 2D and the movie 3D and stuff, so maybe I'll watch it at home. I still want to see Alice In Wonderland on the big screen of awesomeness, though <3 Tim Burton is love.

By the way, my b-day's coming up (on the 19th) and I'm feeling nowhere near how I should. I mean, since a few years ago I haven't really cared about my b-day, it's been a normal day for me - I guess I just grew out of it, even though when I was a kid I couldn't even think about something like this XD It's always my parents who end up nagging me about going out with my friends and stuff, because all I want to do is stay indoors and do the stuff I do on a normal day. I hate parties because, as I've seen with other people's, they require too much effort and the host is all stressed out over how the guests are feeling, what they're doing etc.

In other news, as anti-anime as I've been lately, I've started watching Hetalia. All I can say is that it's extremely random and I don't know if I've seen enough of it to say whether I hate it or not (though I'm down to episode 6 already). There are some funny parts, but most are freaky - even for my twisted sense of humor.

See what I mean?

Random facts about me:
- I like Lady Gaga's music (or at least the songs that are out, I haven't heard others from her), especially Love game and Bad romance
- I hate Akon's voice and lyrics. He used to be more... normal when he sang about being emo lonely, but now his lyrics are just plain awful. Plus, I hear his songs daily on the radio D:
- I'm absolutely in love with Shaun Of The Dead and Hot Fuzz *fangirl squee* Simon Pegg and English humor are epic win. See point 4.

Sooo, what have you all been doing? As I've been away for a while, all the updates got pushed off the page and stuff, so I only got to catch up some of them. *hugs* I hope you're doing good~

P.S. I've had the anti-flu shot and don't feel special at all ._. My mom is a big hypochondriac and gathered the whole family together to get shot(s) haha lame pun, so I had to, too. Is there any mass hysteria over there where you're from? :3 Sorry for mocking and stuff, but people are taking this way too seriously.
