Holy popcorn on a stick!

Just went through the worlds once more and noticed I hadn't really posted since January. That's almost like I've been dead or something :o Guess I can sum it all up like this:
1. January-March: (mainly) unconsciously pretending to be worried about the baccalaureate exam.
2. April: actually being worried about aforementioned exam.
3. May: oh s**t it's coming isn't it??
4. June: ._. Ah screw it, can't escape it anyway, might as well take it.
5. July: OMG I'M FREE!!! *does the idiot dance* Now to spend the last of my summer vacation gathering the necessary documents for college registration!
6. August: *vegetates* Oh, and I began more PS projects. *vegetates some more*
7. September, the early days: AHAHAHAHA these suckers are going to school! *points and laughs at high school people*
8. September, later: Awww, I'm not in high school anymore ;_; I miss my classmates! T_T
9. September, now: Hell yeah, bring on college!!

Because I've been admitted to two colleges from completely different fields (Literature and Economy), it's safe to say I'll probably have my hands full for a few months. And while I'm not pretending I'll be back anytime soon, I'll just say that I don't know when I'll be back :D Simple as that. Oh, I might post icons, tutorials and other stuff from time to time, but this is pretty much it for now - visit The Corner of Art from time to time to see what I'm doing, graphics-wise.

P.S. Who knows, I might defy my own logic and post a week from now :D

P.P.S. I noticed I'm not a mod anymore, which is kind of a relief since I didn't do much anyway ._. I'm too damn lazy, seriously.
