IMPORTANT: Staying Safe on the Internet

Normally, I don't care about people that get themselves into trouble by sharing personal info online, but I felt I needed to forward this to everyone, so you all had a chance to see what can happen right in our backyard, and that the Internet is not as safe a place as you might think.

Staying Safe on the Internet (post by SunfallE)

Bottom line is: don't be stupid. Keep your asses safe. Don't ever try to pull the "It can't happen to me" shit because it can happen to anyone dumb enough to share very personal information with people that are not trustworthy. Remember, guys and gals, this is the Internet. Home of 4Chan. Therefore, anything is possible. That cute 17-year-old girl you were just talking to in chat could be a 40-year-old creep.

P.S. I don't go to chat. Never did and never will. But those of you who really HAVE to cyber, please go watch some porn with someone or find other chats. God knows the Internet is full of them.

P.P.S. I suggest you follow SunfallE's advice and repost this. The more people who see it, the better.
