Exams, projects, stuff

Hello everyone! It's time for a more serious post this time, since all recent posts have been with videos or memes and the likes. Time to sit down and talk about my life again.

First of all, I haven't vectored in ages and, to my surprise, I discovered that I don't really miss it. No, I'm not thinking about quitting, but it's strange to not even think about it - the only thing on my mind right now, graphics-wise, are icons and the prizes for Copycat!, so make sure you send me what you want for your prize (those that haven't specified everything yet). I don't have any new ideas for walls so those old projects will remain unfinished for a long while, but I'll work diligently on the prizes, I can promise that! For now I'll be concentrating on cards and icons, so feel free to request if you want any; the number doesn't matter, you can request 10 cards and 20 icons for all I know, I love making them so it's not a problem.

Oh, and concerning the Copycat! challenge prizes, there are two options for the icon part: either I submit them on my World or I send them to you privately. Also, I won't post them on my site/anywhere else unless I have your permission, so we should clear that as well ^_^ I'll ask you about this again when I send you the prizes, don't worry.

As for college, I'm almost done with the exams. So far I've taken 3 exams at REI (International Economical Relations - "REI" is the Romanian equivalent), one left - it's actually today!, and 3 at Letters, 2 left. That's a total of 9 exams! Here they are:
REI - International Negotiation: 8/10 (I really didn't expect to get this much!)
REI - Geography: 6/10 (w00t I passed! I'm happy since I haven't been studying Geography seriously for...8 years?)
REI - Microeconomy: 8/10 (I was very surprised when one of the girls in my group called me to tell me the grades had already been posted*, I'm happy I didn't flunk!)
REI - Business Laws (or something like that, I don't know a more appropriate translation, sorry. It's today *bites fingernails*)
* there's a nifty website where students can check their grades and stuff without having to go to uni.

Letters - History of Culture and Mentalities (taken)
Letters - Spanish: 8/10 (at REI I actually scored 10, getting different grades for the same thing is awkward XD And the Letters exam was easier, too.)
Letters - History of Communication (taken)
Letters - Public Relations (this Saturday): I'm terrified of this one; we have a lot of long and difficult texts to read that pretty much no one understands.
Letters - Dynamics of the Modern Romanian Language (next Wednesday): you wouldn't believe how boring this is. This coming from a grammar Nazi freak.

Also I've gotten in touch with a very good high school friend recently, who was back in the country for her 6-week-long vacation and who told me her college life wasn't as complicated as mine. Btw, she's studying in England but I'm not too sure about the system there since we didn't get to talk much. I'm really envious about the 6-week vacation thing >_<

I miss watching movies as well, I haven't watched any in God knows how long. On the other hand, my mom was watching something last night, on her laptop. She discovered a website (I don't know which, honestly), where you can watch movies online and now she prefers watching online to watching TV - which is much better if you ask me, considering all the crap that's on TV. And what was she watching yesterday? I Spit On Your Grave, of all things! Even I was on the fence about that one and she even liked it. I don't know my own mom.

And as something that would appear hilarious to watchers (hell, even I find it hilarious), is what she told me on my birthday:
Mom: "Happy birthday!"
Me: :D "Thanks!"
Mom: "I didn't get you anything, I didn't know what you wanted. What do you want?"
Me: D: "
Uh, mom, that's what you said last Christmas as well."
Mom: "..."
Of course, I didn't really care about presents since there's nothing I want in particular, but it's kind of weird to say that out loud lol.

Well, guess I'll end it here since it's getting too long. I'll be posting more icons soon, and hopefully more movie reviews when I have enough free time to actually watch movies XD Thank you very much for dropping by, now I'll take my leave and comment on stuff since you guys are too active for me and I've fallen behind gravely!
