New monitor! (finally)

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Yup, this is it! My dad went and picked it up and I installed it. Turns out it wasn't as wide as the last monitor (the busted one), it's even wider. It looks like the screen of a laptop and the current (and biggest) resolution is 1360 x 768. I'll have to cut up all walls I want to use. Woe.
Yeah, I have a lot of junk on my table. And that speaker won't fall, no matter how much it looks like it 8D It's been like this for months.

And here's an exclusive tour of my current desktop! And so you can compare with my older one, here's the last screenshot I took of it. White space because it went batshit insane with darker colors. And all icons are clumped up in a corner because I had to switch between resolutions often (it'd sometimes fix the twitching for a bit) and they'd get disorganized otherwise.

Now all I have to do is get used to this new resolution, seeing as I'd been using 1440 x 900 for 2+ years ;o; But I like my new monitor because it has touchscreen-like buttons (on the botton) <33 That's how you keep an idiot busy for some time, I tell you 8D

Also, this:

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I don't get it. How is a world with less views more popular than one with more??
