I dropped off the face of the earth.

And I wish I could say I've come back, but that'd probably be, uh, not true.

It's annoying when it seems like every other post I make in this world is about going in a hiatus/feeling tired etc. However, I still felt the need to post this after going a while and not feeling like "officially" coming back to TheO. I'm sure I'm mostly driven by nostalgia when saying what a great place TheO is, and I'd be lying if I said I haven't met any great people here recently (I did, and I'm sorry I abandoned you out of the blue), but I've lost interest in TheO for the time being. Which should come as no surprise, as I haven't posted in ages.

So yes, I'm considering leaving TheO for good - as an actively participating member, that is. Nothing I'm doing ATM is interesting enough to be talked about and I'm bored of making graphics. I don't feel there's a point to posting on TheO about my personal life since not many know me enough to care (and that's perfectly natural) and graphics-wise, I'm not sure how much attention my stuff is getting; I don't crave 50 comments per post, but I sometimes wonder if what I'm doing is even noticed when I go 10 posts without any sort of feedback. I'm not blaming anyone for this, hell, even I like to download stuff without saying "thanks" most of the time; it's just the way things are.

That's about it, I guess. I'll still come back once in a while to check out how things are, maybe chat with someone for a bit and maybe even submit something, if I get my graphics mojo back. But at this point, I can't promise anything. You'll still find me on MT, at war with tags as usual lol XD Hope everyone is doing fine here and, well, if you're not, things can only get better, eh?
