I'm back and ready for action! :3

La-dee-dah~! I've been away for quite some time now and missed everyone First, I want to apologize if anyone submitted something and I didn't get to comment on it, the notifications piled up and I couldn't see everything. So I'm kindly asking everyone to provide links to their works in the comments <3<3

Um, where should I start? You know that I'm not exactly a part person, so I didn't do a lot of stuff that's worth mentioning. Lying on the beach and thinking about nothing is what I did most of the time ^^ However, there was one day when some people from the Nestea brand were having a promotion on the beach: they had bottles of tea in large cubes of ice (40x40 cm each), which were placed on top of each other, on 4 levels, to create a bigger cube. On the top level, the bottles were further into the ice but on the others some bottles were sticking out and were easier to remove. Of course, you had to finish the first level to get to the second. The people gave you a tool and you had to chop through the ice. It was fun because my dad is good at this, having worked in the constructions business, so he got 2 bottles ^^

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When he came back with the first bottle, he had pierced it on the side so we had to drink from that side or else the tea would pour out. A few old people kept staring at me for an unknown reason (even before I started drinking), so I decided to teach them a lesson. I started sucking the tea out from the neck of the bottle (pun intended), then showed them my teeth (which are quite sharp and; the canines are long and resemble a vampire's). They looked at me with big eyes and looked away fast Yeah, I'm mean.

Anyway, in the first days we all got sunburns and then I caught a cold (which I still have). I hate it when my throat hurts >_< Yesterday I had a temperature but today I felt better, even though my throat still hurts. Not much going on here, I'm planning to order some stuff online, using a friend's bank account (with her permission, of course): a "Clockwork Orange" badge, a Tim Burton badge and a cute T-shirt. We're going to order them tomorrow, after we go to the bank. I can't wait, they'll arrive in 2 weeks' time.

So much for ranting for this post, I'll end it here 'cause there's nothing to say ._. Oh, I just remembered: me and Shadows made a wallie, which you can see below. I saved it to my drafts before so I could show it to her, but deleted it; she submitted it and...here it is! Comments are greatly appreciated ^^ Hope you have a great day, everyone, and thank you for dropping by! <3

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