Bug, boredom, school, quiz and graphics

Listening to: Sam Sparro - Black And Gold

Hiya everyone! *hugs* Thank you for the comments on my last post! ^^ I don't mean to sound rude or anything ('cause it seems like each post's first paragraph is dedicated to coming up with a reason for not commenting!), but I won't be able to reply to comments for a while. Every time I access my comments page, it shows a "database error" message! Has anyone else had this problem? I PM'ed Adam about it but haven't got a reply yet... I hope he's reasonable and that PM'ing him was the right thing to do. Some admins yell at people for signaling errors -__-"

Last week wasn't too bad, if I think about it. On Friday we had 2 consecutive classes of Maths, but the teacher didn't come so one classmate phoned the teacher of Romanian L&L to allow us to leave (since we had 2 classes with her afterwards). When she answered the phone, he began speaking politely and asked if you could leave, then said "Oh, sorry!" and hung up. Turns out he phoned our 9th grade teacher instead! She stopped teaching in this high school when we were in the 10th grade and thought it was a prank call! XD We did manage to talk to the "real" teacher and she allowed us to leave, so we went home 4 hours sooner than usual ^_^

I think I mentioned it in the second post: this week we were supposed to start learning web design, with our head teacher (who also teaches Informatics or however it's called -you get the point). Since it's her, of course we did matrices (which aren't too difficult but boring) and no web design >_<" And I want to learn it so badly! I'm happy I picked up the basics along the way, but I'd still like to know it well. Maybe I'll also write some articles as I learn/understand it XD

Here's an image I drew a few weeks ago ^^ I'm planning to use this one and a few more I've yet to draw in an article about forums, that I've yet to write ^^" It's pretty obvious, so I don't think it needs explaining! The article will have the link to the higher quality pic too ^^ Or I'll upload it as a fan art, I'll see later.

My head hurts ;_; I'd better hurry up, it's already 11 p.m. and I want to watch TV XD Isn't it funny how kids want to stay up late, even though they have nothing to do? Then they realize it's not that great to have to go to bed late, once they grow up.

Art-wise, I'm working on more vectors at the moment; however, I'll post only the link to the Yuuki (Vampire Knight) one, since I'm too lazy to take screenshots of all of them ^^" It's another vexel, like the Sailor Neptune one from before. A group from MT also announced a Halloween contest and the entry has to be a dark wallie, so I'll be working on an original one. Luckily, I've already got a concept in mind; unluckily, it never ends up how I imagined it -_-" Let's hope it ends up reasonable, at least!
Oh, more avvies An extensive tutorial on how to make these is on the way! ^^

External Image External Image External Image External Image
(Kaleido Star, Kamichu!, Vampire Knight, Sailor Moon)

And to end the post, I had a quiz accepted <3 I submitted it a few days and was beginning to think it was rejected, telling myself it takes longer to be approved just to feel better T_T But it was approved yesterday! <3 If you comment on it, I'm sorry for not reading it at the moment, the darn bug's in my way ;_; Anyway, here it is: What Kaleido Star Girl Are You?

Thank you so much for reading my posts, visiting me and commenting on my stuff <3 Somehow I feel like I don't deserve all this T_T *hugs everyone* I have some gifts in the making, so stay tuned Hopefully, I'll get them done by Christmas lol XD Bye bye and hope you have a great weekend~! *runs off*
