May *insert deity name here* bless whoever created winter holiday! XD

Mood: External Image [cute little ghost smiley from Kao-Ani]
Listening to: Gabriela Cilmi - Sweet About Me

Beware, post full of randomness below.
Hello, all my dear fans, admirers and stalkers! :3 I feel like I haven't posted in months, even though it's been last week! I always feel like that around exams -_- I know you all hate school now, since the last post was all about it, so this time I'm going to talk about it only in one paragraph! Yay!
The term paper in Maths was OK, not as bad as I expected it to be, which is a major relief! However, there were some complications involving the CAE exam (Cambridge Advanced English, I think), since it was at the same hour as the term paper >_<" Me and my dad went to talk to the principal about it, he misunderstood and thought the whole class was going to take it, whereas it was only lil' ol' me ^^" Fortunately, there were a lot of people who wanted to take it, so it's not like those ladies came there only for me.

So, yesterday I was happily returning from the post office with Nico and going to buy my dad a book as a gift, when she got a message on her mobile phone saying the head teacher was pissed off because we (the whole class) didn't come to school o_O" As if any sane person would come to school after a major exam, 2 days before the holiday begins! Our reaction: *insert synonim for "feces"* x a few times, blank stares at each other and, finally, running after a bus -__-" When we got to school the head teacher wasn't there and the rest of the classmates explained that I had to apologize to some teacher because of the misunderstanding. As if it was my fault! >_> But I still don't get why she dragged the rest here, if she only had business with me >_>" Weird woman.
Also, this CAE exam wasn't the real one, it was just for those ladies to see if we're prepared; if we are, we're going to attend some free courses and take the exam in June.

I didn't respect my promise and gave it two paragraphs XD Let's move on to the more pleasant stuff! I've begun watching an anime, Seto no Hanayome (Seto's Bride). I love the fact that San (the girl in one of the lead roles) isn't pushy and annoying. She's cute when she's shy ^_^ I recommend it for fans of comedies! And to show you how much I like this, here's the link to a folder of screenshots I took from it:

Expect more screenshots these days, since I'm barely at episode 5 out of 26 XD It's not addictive, but it's light and it feels like time passes by too quickly when I watch it.
I've also made some more icon bases, in case anyone wants to use them ^_^ They're all from Princess Tutu.

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I'll be signing off then, I need to work on a ton of projects and die a painful walling/vectoring death x_x Take care, minna, and hope you're enjoying your winter holiday!
P.S. I might go on a trip to Azuga starting with the 21st; I don't know how much it'll take and I won't have any Internet connection over there, so I'll wish everyone a "Happy Holidays!" in advance! *hugs* Hope you get many presents and go wild spend quality time with your family and friends!
