The amazing comeback! :D

Mood: External Image [cute little ghost smiley from Kao-Ani]
Listening to: Fortuna, Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress Of The World) (helps me relax)
Doing: shamelessly leeching Seto no Hanayome off the internetz

I wish my cat would get off my lap so I can type properly -_-" I'm typing with only my left hand now.
I forgot how my blog theme looked ^^" I remembered it only when I saw it, a few moments ago!

Ahem, anyway XD I'm back! Some of you might've seen me lurking around since a few days ago; I came back from the depths of nowhere Azuga, a small town in the mountains ^^ Where I had no internet or computer access for 10 days (I was suffering from withdrawal! *suffocates X_X*). I can't say I did big things there, it was an ordinary holiday. Mostly staying indoors because I'm lazy to begin with, I don't know anyone in that town and it was cold. Sure, I did go out a couple of times (at least once a day) and went sleighing (and fell a couple of times >_<), and I don't regret it. Though I can't understand my parents' way of thinking - I don't rest too much there, I don't need to rest for that matter, since I'm basically a breathing, vectoring vegetable (of doom) XD

These last few days I've been bored out of my mind because I can't find anything interesting to do *sigh* Even keeping up with a blog is tiresome - sorry if I missed some posts, I'm up to my neck in unfinished Photoshop projects x_x And yes, sometimes I feel like I want to run away from everything! I wish this holiday were longer than 2 weeks... T_T How would you feel if you had to go back to school on the 5th??

Urgh, another thing to worry about would be my birthday coming up -__- On the 19th, to be more precise. The trouble is, I'm not a very sociable person, never going to clubs and all, so it'd be boring if I ended up having a party. Plus, parties are stressful for me because I have to make sure everyone's having a good time, which leaves me as a worrywart ^_^" My birthdays are normal days for me anyway, but I think it'd be weird if I didn't invite a girl who already invited me to her b-day party, on the 31st o_o" I bet I'm going to feel like a weirdo there. Buut, it'll pass - at least that's my consoling thought XD

Um, what more to say... I'm actually using my DeviantART account now! Though it's only for posting icons, since my already oscillating self-esteem would suffer a serious drop if I compared my fan art with the ones posted there ^^" But you can still add me as a friend there anyway, I don't mind <3
Might as well post some avvies here as well ^^ I think they're not as good as the ones I usually make, but maybe some will like them They're old -as in, weeks-, just to mention it. And the last one is my favorite :D

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(Art by Adumi Tohru x2, Earl And Fairy x2, Final Fantasy - base by Sakura Kokoro)

This is getting long. Like a friend from Minitokyo says, "growing, growing like a beanstalk" XD I'll end here; thank you very much for reading my posts and commenting on them, even if I'm a bad friend and don't do the same DX I promise I'll start commenting again as soon as possible, just gotta get out of this state somehow >_< *hugs* Thank you for being my friends!
