
Mood: External Image [braindead]
Watching: H2O - Just Add Water (the dubbed version rocks)
Drinking: hot tea <3

My my, I haven't updated for a while ._. Almost 2 weeks! Have you guys ever noticed how time seems to fly by? Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm behind everything that's happening ^_^" Um, let's see... Kelsey, I'm really sorry for not being online more often, things have been terribly complicated for me lately >_< I'll explain below. Of course, a huge SORRY to everyone because I was such a bad friend and didn't comment on your posts ;_; But I read them! Yeah, I always postpone commenting and end up not commenting at all...

Um, lately my life has been revolving around school. Even my Photoshop life! Remember the exhibition and panoramas I mentioned a while ago? Well, the deadline is getting closer and all the panoramas must be ready in a few days, so I've been working on them every morning and night >.< What gets on my nerves is that the Geography teacher (who is kind of a leader of the "Edelweiss" group, even though he doesn't get involved too much - it's the students who do the work) is never satisfied with what he has, even though the panoramas look decent. And considering the fact that I usually piece together 4-5 photos to get one panorama... What's even more annoying is the fact that he doesn't know more about PS than working with Brightness, Contrast and simple stuff.

Also, I've been sick for a few days now - it's weird though: no runny nose, no fever, no headaches, just coughing. Sometimes when I cough my throat starts to "itch" (don't know how to describe this >_<") and I keep on coughing and coughing until I start tearing! This happened during Spanish class yesterday and it was really bothersome; I had to go to the bathroom to calm down T_T As if this weren't enough, I started hiccuping during Chemistry class -___-" I hate being sick! DX

Um, yeah. Long rant there. Now for some artistic stuff: I'm now on hiatus from walling, since I have 0 motivation to do this at the moment. I'll only stick to avatars and icon bases for a while, maybe even extract some PNG's. And speaking of icon bases, I've made more from Tokyo Crazy Paradise <3 I really am obsessed with this manga XD

External Image External Image External Image
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