CAE exam done, lots of work in PS!

Mood: External Image (translation: woot woot!)
Listening to: the news, because I'm bored of the music I have >_>
Watching (not now, in general): Cow & Chicken, Spaced (these shows ROCK)

I need to watch Crying Freeman again. Mark Dacascos is TOO FREAKING HOT. This guy is also sexy, whoever he is
OK, that was totally random and out of nowhere >_> Now to get back to business, my scanner's being a bitch again and gets "stuck" in the middle of scanning stuff >.< Which is annoying, because I just bought 2 Disney books (Aladdin and The Little Mermaid) and they have really big and cool images and I wanna scan them and piece them together *_* Here's a sample to see my work (unfortunately, I deleted the original pages and I'm too lazy to scan them again anyway XD And my scanner's being POOPY)

External Image
Click to full-view/download (6.72 MB)~

*is back after reinstalling poopy scanner drivers*
I went to a party this Saturday-Sunday! And yes, the world hasn't come to an end, as far as I know XD Come to think of it, I think it's the longest time I've ever been awake: 23 hours! With not even 3 minutes of sleeping/daydreaming! I'm surprised I could stay up that long ^^

Anyway, I had to go because it was one of my friends' birthday party - she's now 18, which is the age to legally drink, drive, have sex etc. She had rented a relatively small club, but we weren't that many so it wasn't a problem. Of course, we could help ourselves to alcoholic drinks since we're all 18+; most of us drank a martini at the beginning (including me; martini = yum!), but there were some girls who drank orange juice instead - who goes to a party to drink just orange juice anyway?! -.-" It's not my business though, so I'm not butting in.

There were a few guys at the party, which proved to be fun because the girls were standing in a corner and the boys in another XD I don't know if they were shy and all, but they didn't interact with the girls too much and sat by themselves >,< We girls didn't have any problems, though, since we danced all night :D Even if it meant amongst ourselves. Hey, those guys were suckers for not joining in, though I suspect they didn't dance just to show they're "manly" and stuff (crap, basically).

One of the guys was particularly annoying, because he behaved like an old lady. The moment he saw a girl sitting down, he'd go up to her and tell her about his classmates and show her pictures of them o_O He tried to show me too, but the music was too loud and he must've gotten tired of me saying "what??" after his every sentence (not that I cared much about what he was saying, my brain shut itself down after hearing about his classmates for the first time XD). Then he proceeded with complaining that his girlfriend (who was also at the party, btw!) was a Twilight fanatic and that she made him read all the books and watch all the movies >_>
Another weird thing was his girlfriend. While he sat down near me and Nico (we were visibly bored of him), she kept glaring at us. And she did so even during the time we danced; like, we turned around and saw her sitting down and glaring at us o_O" Creepy. Luckily, he went to her and left us alone after a while.

In the end, we went home at about 4 in the morning (the party started at 9 p.m.). The buses and trams weren't running at that time so Alexandra's dad had to drive us home. Since Nico and I live fairly far apart from one another, we decided that I stay at her place for a few hours until the sun rises. When we got there, Nico made some tea because we both froze while walking to her block, and we tried to watch Tropic Thunder. I had to leave soon because I would've fallen asleep there otherwise XD So, I arrived home and went to sleep and woke up at 3 p.m. Woot!

Exam of doom!
So, today I took the last part of the Cambridge C.A.E. (Certificate of Advanced English) exam and boy, were there surprises! After the mock exam, I was under the impression that Writing and Speaking were going to be the most difficult parts, I didn't even think about the others (Reading, Listening, English in Use). Let's begin!

  • Speaking: I took this one a few days ago and it was easier than I had expected <3 The woman interviewing us (me and a friend) had such a strong British accent, I seriously doubt she's Romanian!
  • Reading: I hate reading about boring subjects, such a mosquitoes and the likes, which were in the mock exam, but the texts for this one weren't boring at all.
  • Writing: We had to write a proposal (compulsory) and another piece that was left up to us, to choose from a few options. I chose an article about teaching >_>
  • Listening: It went by so fast! Too fast! And those interview-type auditions were difficult to understand because the speakers were constantly interrupting and contradicting each other >.< I did manage to write something, though, I just hope it's correct.
  • English in Use: By far the easiest part of all. I finished it in about 15 minutes :]

We even got 2 pencils to write with <3 Everyone had theirs, but I think it was a civilized thing to do ^_^ We also got breaks in between the parts, but I feel they were too long (20 minutes each). If they weren't so long, we might've finished faster and gone home sooner -_-

More avvies <33
External Image External Image
(Puni Puni Poemi, Rideback, Peter Pan Syndrome)

Thank you so much for reading <33 I know this was long so you can skip it if you want, I won't be upset ^_^ Hope you have a great day!

P.S. Kelsey, I'll reply to your email as soon as I can! Apparently, I forgot to -.-"
