A whole new world! :D

Wow, I've never updated this much before! But that’s a good thing :3

Anyway this post is to tell everyone that I just created a world for my clay charms! I already posted a introduction there but long story short is that I'm now designing pictures, graphics to pretty up that world :3.

I'm trying figure out how I'm going to take a good picture of my charms. The Camera I do have needs batteries, I don't know how to use it really, I can't for the life of me locate the booklet for it because my sister had it for years. She's a scatter brain and left the cover for the batteries at a friends house (never going to see that again :C). The booklet is in her room aka the dead zone for obvious reasons and I can't take pictures off my cell phone( or a least figure it out) I don't what I'm going to do really :\.

I tried scanning it but the scanner flushed the colors completely XD. The lollypop charm was hot pink and black and after I scanned it, it was clear and a lighter black! I have the picture below. So yeah, I need a camera of my own. I guess that’s my first goal to reach as far as profits go XD.

Here' the pic

Haha, epic fail scanner >:|

So yeah, I've been busy with stuffs and even working on a secret picture >:3.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend and I'm catch you all later! ^__^V
