A world created to share the music that fuels my life.

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 22: A song you listen to when you're sad

I can always listen to Patsy when I'm feeling blue. It's nice and slow and so full of emotion. It's just lovely.

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 21: A Song you listen to when you're happy.

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 20: A song you listen to when you're angry.

Haha when I'm angry I like songs with a lot o energy. LOL A there was a time a couple months ago when I was really into the whole Punk/Rebel thing and loved the Clash and like the Ramones and stuff. Really I'll listen to this song when I'm happy too, but If I'm angry I feel like I can express it best with songs like this one...

Indecisión me molesta

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 19: A song from your favourite album.

FFFF my favourite album is the Beatles PastMasters one. FFF It has a bunch of song I love. And I really like Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand. I like the English version a lot, and the fact that it's in German makes my heart soar!

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 18: A song you wish you heard on the radio.

OH GOSH If I heard this song on the radio I would die of happiness. It's not that I want to hear this song on the radio, But if I did~ OH GOSH. But yes... this song should never be on the radio. But it should~ I would love to see people's reaction!