A world created to share the music that fuels my life.

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 17: A song you hear often on the radio.

I don't like listening to legit radio. I like Pandora even though it's a money hunger radio. BUT OH GOSH THEY JUST LET THE Radio prattle on in the bathroom. AND I SWEAR IT PLAYS ONLY FOUR SONGS. At least the change the four songs every week? But I heard this song a lot.

it's not so bad really... But I like being lazy so RELATABLE?

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 16: A song you use to love but now hate.

I actually only loved this song for a week because I heard it and then it exploded into popularity and I got sick of hearing it. This was also my turning point for liking Green Day, after this song I pretty much hated Green Day. Even songs by them that I use to like, I now dislike.

This is a reason I don't like listening to the radio. They just play the same songs over and over, and I start to hate them... But if I play the same song over and over.... I don't hate it? I don't really understand my logic, but that's how it works. SO WHAT CAN YA DO?

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 15: A song that describes you

Halfway to the end! This was hard. There's a lot a songs, but I can't think of any that really describe. In the end I picked this... if only because I have blue eyes SOBSOBsoshallow. I dunno. I guess the lyrics kind of fit too... In the end who am I really...

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 14: A song no one would expect you to love.

More like types of songs no one would Expect me to love. No one but my brother anyway. Those songs being Stalker songs. I happen to love Stalker songs. That being said, if you have stalker songs please send them to me... Also not sure if Run for Your Life is a stalker, but I think it could so~

30 Day Song Challenge

Day 13: A Song that is a Guilty Pleasure.

I APOLOGIZE. But I kind of like this song herpderp! It could be better, but it's catchy. And SHUT UP IT'S A GUILTY PLEASURE! And really I've only heard it like once all the way through,and only once with just a part of it. So listening to it now is my second time listening to it. I think this could work for tomorrow too. ALSO IT'S SUNDAY, not Friday.