A world created to share the music that fuels my life.
- Created By Chel the Bell
30 Day Song Challenge
Day 3: A Song that makes you happy.
Let's face it. A lot of songs make me happy. Or perhaps I only listen to certain songs when I'm happy, or trying to avoid being sad... Whatever the case there are a lot of songs. But Anytime I listen to Portsmouth Sinfonia I can't help but smile. Even though musically it's awful, there's just something about "In Hall Of the Mountain Derp", as it is so affectionately called in the comments, that brings a smile to my face. Is it the collective terrible-ness that reminds me of a horrendously ugly yet comfortable sweater? Or perhaps the unrelenting trumpet? I' going with trumpet, because Man whoever is playing that is really going for it. And I think that says something about life. Even if you're terrible, and only have the faintest clue as to what you are doing, Go for it. Don't stop until the end. And even then throw in one last note just to through people off.
30 Day Song Challenge
Day 2: Your Least Favourite Song
HerpDerp another Beatles song? It's not my fault... Everytime I think of music I think of the Beatles~ Don't worry they won't all be Beatles songs. Also this may or may not be my least favourite song. I can't think of anything else to be my least favourite, and this is my least favourite Beatles' song. UGH My brother hates it because it's just a bunch of chance music. I don't like because it's weird... and hardly a song. Bleh Revolution 09 is just bad.
30 Day Song Challenge
The challenge being finding one song for each category.
Day 1: Your Favourite Song
How the heck am I suppose to pick a favourite song? There are so many good songs~ But I picked All Together Now. Because no matter how I'm feeling I can listen to that song and sing along and feel like a little kid. It's fun and goofy and just good. Also Sprint uses it in there commercial and I'm all "I'd totally buy whatever you're selling if I didn't already have a phone/phone-company.
I'm just that gaga for the song.
Good Music
It seems bad, until you realize you've been listening to them for hours... I LOVE YOU PORTSMOUTH SINFONIA AND THE SHAGGS~
When there is trap...
I watched Wristcutters just now, and this song was in it. At first I was like "meh", BUT NOW IT'S STUCK IN MY HEAD. So yeah. I like it.