hola people~ so i've finally gotten around to actually posting something on this thing, woo me! i don't know about the rest of you, but i liked the old version of otaku.com much better than this one~it seems too confusing to navigate and a lot more work. maybe i just have to get used to it. in other news, i have posted a lot of my new work in categories such as Full Moon, Death Note, Original Anime, and Final Fantasy (general) go check em out! i luvs it when u people leave me comments! plus, i need to contact all the people who i was friends with on the last version of otaku, cause sadly, i don't have the list of them on this version! so if u remember befriending me on the last version, please , don't hesistate to add me one on here! thankies, and i luv u all!
- Created By sylvrkatk
past weekends.......
sokay, so last weekend, i attended the faaaaaabulous Anime Boston :) i feel kinda weird going now, cause i'm 23 and all, but i felt like i was 17 again! i dressed up as the one and only mew pudding (from tokyo mew mew) on friday and then as a guitar hero hero princess (from a Leetstreet boys music video) on saturday. i took my little cousin with me for the weekend too. i wasn't sure if i was going to be up for it, but 5 minutes after i walked into the con on friday, a girl asked for my picture! AFTER ONLY 5 MINUTES! it was a GREAT start to my weekend, and i actually got asked like 12 more times for pics throughout the day. saturday i wasn't feeling too hot unfortunatley, and i ended up changing out of my costume early
i did happen to make some spectacular new friends this year and have an awesome time at the dances/raves. i'm definitely going again next year, perhaps with a twist on a 'black butler' outfit? we'll have to wait and see what the year brings, lol. wish me luck! i might post some pics later!
okay, what i'm working on now
this is the beginning of a lolita outfit that i'm working on:
right now its just a shirt, skirt and head band, but i'm going to alter it and accessorize it to death.
i'll upload a pic of what i look like wearing it soon.
me again
okay, i know that i haven't been the best when it comes to updating ANYTHING but that's kinda because i've been in a rut of sorts. i have a whole bunch of schoolwork to get done before i graduate in may---ahhh! graduation!--and i've become OBSESSED with shugo chara lately. lol. ikuto is my favorite, followed by sohma-kun.
anywho, my drawings of late seem to be so bad that i don't even scan them anymore, and i lost my tablet (actually i think my older brother borrowed it and never gave it back
) o well. and the worst thing? i have fanfics that i've started writing over 2 years ago that i've never finished! how bad is that?! (pretty bad)
so i'll occasionally post something here, if i have a chance, but don't look for weekly updates or anything like that.
oh, btw---guess who got 3rd place in theO's valentines day contest--ME! lol. yea, i was surprised too. i didn't even think that i'd place at all. so now i have to go decide what to use my gift voucher on. THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT.
oh--and i just went on another huge lolita craze (i'm putting together a folder of patterns, websites, etc.) so i can put together something for Anime Boston in May. I have a semi-loilta outfit that is made up of stuff i got on sale--if i find a camera, i'll post some pics of it--i only need shoes and accessories now.
wow this post was longer than i thought it would be, lol.
hugs and cookies, y'all!
more to come
*yawn* okie dokie amigos and amigas, i'm tired, so i'm gonna make this short and sweet....
i need to post more.
more tomorrow