So I finally got my tablet.
Meaning I'll probably update Symptoms sooner or later. I'll try to put up new pages as well as fix up old ones.
Of course... I gotta get the hang of this tablet first. Lineart was never my strong point...
Now, I can't talk about every single monster in Rintusa. That would take forever. I'll just talk about the concept of monsters.
Monster is the name given to evil beasts. Either they were servants of the Dark Goddess(therefore, they were created to be evil), or corrupted by the "water" from the Black River. The Black River was said to be created by the Dark Goddess, Linna, right before she was banished from Rintusa into the gap between the dimensions. The Black River is literally black in color, and is not filled with water. Instead, it is filled with a strange substance that is liquid when cold, and solid when warm. Basically, it defies logic. When injested, and brought into the body (which everyone knows to be quite warm no matter what kind of creature you are), the strange liquid solidifies into black crystals that appear on the creature's skin. The black gems release corrupted mana; very powerful, but uncontrolable power. Any creature that comes into contact with corrupted mana goes beserk. Their concsience is clouded over, and all they want to do is attack anything that comes near them. Basically, becoming a mindless monster.
Monsters like to build nests in the once holy lands that are now called dungeons. Very few are no longer evil. Of course, Summoners and Tamers, the ones with the ability to control monsters, can keep monsters under control once they are tamed. Even the ones that injested water from the Black River. The corrupted mana is surpressed as a result of taming.
And that's basically it. I think I should just draw a map so everyone knows where everything is... That's my next project then I guess...
Well, I've got nothing else to talk about right now, so I'm gonna do a quick little character profile of Kran, the main character of the Symptoms comic.
Name: Kran of the Etheria Clan (all Aurora elves are of the Etheria clan by the way)
Age: 16
Species: Aurora Elf
Birthplace: Glare Island
Anaiawin: Elencae
Height: 5 feet 6 inches (he's really not that tall)
Weight: 117 lbs (most elves are known to be pretty light)
History: Kran was your average ol' Aurora elf, living your average ol' life on Glare Island for the longest time. But of course, teenagers get the idea that they have to get away from the world and travel and be independent, so of course, Kran made plans to leave the icy island. His bow techniques were self taught, yet he somehow manages to use a bow pretty well. The bow itself is poorly made, as Aurora elves aren't good handicraftsmen.
When word of the Guild had reached Glare Island, Kran, the dreamer that he was, wanted to go. Of course, the only way he could get to the mainland was to make a pact with an Anaiawin. So, Kran ventured through the forest path to the Crystal Spire at the center of the island. Using the silver earring that used to belong to his mother (who is sadly no longer with us...) as the object to make a pact upon, he was able to gain control over a very affectionate Anaiawin named Elencae. It was only a week later that Kran ventured to the Mainland with the help of Elencae. The rest of the story is in the comic.
Other Secrets that Would be Spoilers to the Story(READ IF YOU DARE!!!):
Kran grew out his hair to cover a terrible injury he got as a child. He was attacked by a Toy Imp (evil little mimic monster) when he was about 5 years old, leaving him almost blind in his left eye. A local hexer knew a charm that could give Kran his eyesight back, but the charm could not be in direct sunlight or else it could reverse the effects and worsen Kran's eyesight. To this day, Kran is still blind in that eye, but the charm is covered and will restore his sight sooner or later.
The incident above led to Kran's fear of Imps. His mother's death caused him to begin to fear the loss of those whom he cared about, or those who cared about him. Kran also fears failure, as most people in the world.
Personality: Kran's a pretty basic character. He loves exploring, and gets a little over excited when exploring dungeons (he tends to narrate his explorations when he's really excited as well). He doesn't mind killing monsters, except Bats, because they are his favorite animals. He hates really clumsy, idiotic, and flirty people (minus Elencae). They get on his nerves and tend to throw him off. But, if those people are good at heart, they sometimes grow on him. He also hates Shadow like crazy. Her sadistic personality throws Kran into little fits of rage occasionally. He treasures certain objects like his earring and his bow, because he's had them for such a long time. Overall, Kran's a pretty nice guy. He does the right thing when it comes right down to it. He's your typical RPG hero, as he should be for this RPG parody story.
And to all of you who may or may not want to know, that black streak in Kran's hair is completely natural.
The idea of Kran came from my one friend (same who came up with a couple other characters that aren't in Symptoms that I like to draw). Though, Kran has become more of my character. My friend only named him and decided his species and age. Design and personality and history and everything that happens to Kran in Symptoms were all my ideas.
And I think that's it. Maybe I'll add in as the story continues. And I'll draw a better/ more recent picture of him and add that in later too.
Its a RPG cliche to have huge ruins and caverns filled with monsters and treasure chests. Of course, it is perfectly logical to have these things in a video game; you know it's not real, so you don't question it. Of course, in the world of Symptoms, dungeons with monsters and treasure are a complete reality. So, why are there places like that, and how did they get there?
It is more of a theory that Mainland scholars created to explain Dungeons. Basically, that they were once sacred places, used to worship the gods and in turn were blessed. After the Great War, however, when belief in the gods wavered, the blessings on these sacred lands were dissolved, and the once sacred lands were cursed and thrown into chaos. Monsters overran the areas and attacked any who came near. What was once offerings to the gods became scattered about the once sacred areas; unique items all boxed up and hidden away. Giant gates were created to keep people out, but the keys were always hidden in obvious places just in case one had to get through. Over the years, adventurers entered these now cursed and ravanged lands to prove their strength and obtain the items that were hidden away.
The name "Dungeons" came from the resemblance to a castle's dungeon. Many of the areas with very strong monsters were covered in the bones of the adventurers that could not survive. Some of the "Dungeons" were buildings built to the gods out of stone, like a castle dungeon, while others were natural places like caverns and deep woods. Soon the name came to apply to all of these cursed and dangerous places. In later years, dungeons popped up for other reasons. New areas became overrun with monsters even though they were not these cursed lands. These giant monster nests were also called dungeons, for most people forgot the actual reason dungeons appeared.
One thing the Guild on the Mainland seems to be doing constantly is going into dungeons. They have just become a normal part of life to the inhabitants, and many materials needed for living come from the dungeons or the monsters within them. The Guild constantly goes out and gathers supplies that the citizens request, or map out and explore new hostile areas.
Being Symptoms: of Living in an RPG World, you should expect me to use some RPG terms for it. Like Character classes for example. I hope you know what these are (if not, go play some MMOs or something). Similar rules apply to the world in Symptoms. Each person can master a certain set of skills and a certain few weapons. After mastering all of this, they are given a title to show their accomplishments basically. So, I will now write about the "character classes" that there are in Symptoms.
Knight: Warriors who like to fight with brutal un-defended attacks. They tend to have a high defense, so they can survive damage dealt to them during these unguarded attacks. Masters at slaying the undead, and any other tainted beasts, Knights will wield a Sword, Axe, or Spear.
Hunter: Sneaky warriors who like to use long ranged melee attacks. With either their Bow, Spear, or Whip, they specialize in killing beast-shape monsters.
Vampire/Werewolf Slayer: As the title suggests, those who specialize in hunting Vampires/Werewolves. Their experience with battling these creatures of the night have also helped them to defeat most other humanshape creatures as well. They like to wield Either a Sword or a Spear.
Dragon Slayer: One who has rid the land of the corrupted dragons that threaten many villages. With their Sword or Axe, this form of Slayer is better at fighting reptilian and insect monsters.
White Mage: A magic user who specializes in elemental magic that is ruled by light (light, water, wind, metal, lightning). They can also use some forms of healing and defensive spells, but very few. Like all mages, White Mages can fight with a staff, but will occasionally use casting cards.
Black Mage: A magic user who specializes in elemental magic that is ruled by darkness (darkness, earth, fire, ice, molten rock). They can also use some forms of curses, but very few. These mages also use a staff, but unlike White Mages, they use the more dangerous casting gems in battle as well.
Prism Mage: A magic user who has mastered all forms of elemental magic. Yet, they can only seem to use attacking spells, not healing, defensive, or curses. Aside from using a staff, these are the only mages who can control mana gloves.
Priest/Priestess: "Holy" magic users who can only use light magic for attacks, but can use all forms of defensive and healing magic. Aside from casting cards, Priests and Priestesses also use holy beads (also called a rosary) when supporting their allies in battle.
Hexer: "Demonic" magic users who can only use darkness magic for attacks, but have mastered all forms of curses. Casting stones are a weapon in the Hexer's arsenal, but they also like to use a curse charm to strengthen their magic.
Summoner: Generally magic users, Summoners have strong bonds with the monsters they have met in their travels. Using a staff or mana gloves, Summoners call upon their monster friends to help in battle.
Tamer: Generally melee fighters, Tamers have learned how to control monsters that they have fought many times in their travels. Of course, they don’t forcibly control them. Using either a whip or a sword, Tamers call upon their monster friends to fight along side them in battle.
Mercenary: The best of the best. A master of all skills and weapons. It usually takes years and much effort to reach this level. Whether it is magic or melee, Mercenaries can do it all. Basically, the “uber” class. Very few Mercenaries exist, for it is so difficult to gain this status.
Hmm... Good so far? I think symptoms would actually make a pretty kick butt RPG. But for now it's my story. And its a very fun one. Hey with all this info out there, feel free to make an OC for Symptoms (and tell me about them!). The main character is basically an OC that my friend made (I just drew him, and gave him character... So I'm more of his creator...)
Anyways... what do I need to mention next...?