Tafu's Journey
( authors/note: hey guys! this is my first story. I'm sorry if it will not meet your expectations but I gave all my effort, time, and love in it. so please ENJOY! )
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Tafu's Journey
( authors/note: hey guys! this is my first story. I'm sorry if it will not meet your expectations but I gave all my effort, time, and love in it. so please ENJOY! )
Please leave a comment after reading the story. :)
( author's/note: so, here is the chapter that I totally wanted to happen to me xDD enjoy! )
Eiji Kikumaru's POV
(sigh) what am I doing with my life for just that girl? -.- I'm here browsing the net for how to be serious in love. Click. Searching. Fo-llow-your-heart. Follow your heart? Follow your heart. Follow your heart.
"What the hell does that result means?!"
Damn this internet. -.-shut down laptop. waaahhh! I'm totally goin' crazy for that girl.-.- -.- -.-
I'm going to school now. For practice. (walking) serious. serious. serious. ....
"Eiji what's wrong with you?! You're acting all strange during this past few days! Oishi said.
huh? Wh-what. he-he noticed! Oh-no! -.- .. cam your self down Eiji. (looked at Oishi) serious. serious. serious. Keep in mind that Eiji.
"nothing. I'm fine" I said.
Okay. Everything will be fine just act normal. and serious.
Tafu's POV
huh? Is there someone fighting? I heard sempai-Oishi shout.
"ahm. sempai-Fuji. Please wait a bit. I just heard sempai-oishi shout"
(walk towards that noise) huh? sempai-Eiji and sempai-Oishi is fighting?
"nothing. I'm fine
maybe because sempai-Oishi is pissed by the way he acts. And their synchro is ruined by that serious act of him. I don't want to think Its because of my comment in his picture. I don't wanna. I'm sure he will not take it to seriously. It's just a joke comment. But sempai-Oishi is really mad. I can tell it in his face. he never got mad before. Oh no. He's walking towards me. Wha-why.?
"Go talk to that man!(points at Eiji)I dont know him anymore! Maybe It's because of your darn comment to his picture!
s-sem-pai O-o-oishi just shouted at me. me? Why me? I really
don't can't think its because of.. Mmmm-m-m-m-my c-c-co-m-m-ment.
"Tafu, don't mind what he said.Oishi is just mad. I'll go talk to him"
sempai Fuji said. B-but. How can I not mind it? A very kind person who never got mad before shouts at you?! How in the whole world can I not mind that?!! I can feel my tar bursting in my eyes. BUT. NO! I'll not cry. I'll never cry. No. no. no.
"Eiji, tell me. Is that because of Tafu's comment or not?"
sempai-Fuji asked him. Then I saw sempai-Eiji nod. No. I can't control my tears anymore (begins to cry)
"see? Now It's my fault!"
I shouted at him. Respect? what respect should I give him now?
"I just want you to recognize me." he said.
"recognize? recognize. It's because of your damn recognize thing that everyone is blaming me for what you're acting right now! And look. Thanks for your recognize thing sempai-Oishi is mad at me! I said.
Now I'm mad. I don't get mad at people but, in what way should I be kind to him? Yes. I like him but. There's no way I'll make it a reason to be kind. After what he did. >.< He's a total jeeeerrrrkkk!!! (running) wha? why am I running? While its raining! -.-
"I just want to be close to you so i did that!"
what? he followed me outside even though it raining? But he's far from me so he can't chase me. There's no way he could catch m-meeee? what! (Eiji stopped her by holding her hand) he-he.. O.o
"I'm sorry." he spoke.
but before I can say a thing he said,
"The real reason is because. I-I love you!"
love. he? love me? l-lo-love? n.n-n-n-o way.
"from the first time i saw you, I knew it. You were adored by many of my classmates and is close to other seigaku regulars but you didn't talk to me that much so I wanted you to recognize me! I'm sorry if it became like this. he said.
Is tha-that what he thinks?
i told him. then he put a curious face on me.
Youre stupid! can't you see the reason for that? Because I like you! I paused for a moment to get some confidence . But I cried a lot more. "But all you did is ignore me and get away from me. I always tried to talk to you but you never replied the way you replied to other girls so I thought you just don't like my attitude! You're stupid! Stupid!"
I can't stop saying the word stupid as well as hitting me until. he. Hugged me. I can't barely say a thing. I just cried as he hugged me.
"I'm sorry Tafu. If I just be myself from the first time, this shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry.
those words from him calm my mad spirit down. then I can hear him crying. A real man cry for his loved ones.
That I'm sure is the reason why I liked him more...
(author's/note: Okaaaayyyyy! yiheee. xDD waahh. my fantasy xDD I love that part. xDDDDDD totaaaaallllyyy wanted that to happen to meee.. yeah I said that many times now xD
hmm.. that's the end of chapter 5. ^^ but not the whole story. more chapters to gooo! and more interesting and I think enjoyable? scenes. mwahahaha! xDD thanks for reading)
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hey. know what? I always think of this: as not a cool emoticon but a geek one. xDDD
Hi! My name is Tafuto . I liked to be called Tafu and hate it when you call me Tafuto >=(
I'm the only daughter of Leeo and Tashiba. I spent my first six years in Japan and went to America after that because my dad and other relatives work there. I did not come back to Japan since then but my mom visited me many times in America. At the age of 14, after finishing 8th grade, I decided to go back toJapan.
Ahm.. I like tennis but I don't know how to play it. So. I enrolled at Seishun Gakuen because I heard that it is the school where the leading tennis club is in.