Tales of the Abyss FOF Cancel Guide

This Guide is taken from the Tales Series Index. I did create this guide.

This is all Copy and pasted!

*Updated as of Version 1.9 (February 04, 2009)

First I'm kind of sick of people who ask, "How do you FOF cancel?" There are quite a few threads with this question, so I'd like to put an end to it all!

FOF Cancel Guide

First off let me tell you what an FOF cancel is. It is basically using an Arte on an FOF Circle, except it doesn't FOF change the attack as it's supposed to. Each character has different ways to FOF cancel. The most common method is to use Tear's Invoke [Element/Fonon]. Everyone can do FOF cancels, but only Luke and Asch can solo their FoF cancels within regular combos (without spells or help from others).

So below are some examples. These assume that you have every AD skill. I'm also sure you've pulled off a few big combos in your game without even realizing it, and at the same time, I'm sure you've used an Arte on top of an FOF that didn't change. Well that was an FOF cancel for ya!

Table of Contents
1. Luke's FOF Cancel Combo
2. Guy's FOF Cancel Combo
3. Jade's FOF Cancel Combo(needs more updating)
4. Natalia's FOF Cancel Combo
5. Tear's FOF Cancel Combo
6. Asch's FOF Cancel Combo
7. Anise FOF Cancel Combo(none at the moment sorry people)
8. Majutsuko's FOF Cancel Explaination
9. Laws of Combo by Majutsuko
10. FAQ Section
11. Tips Section
12. Side Notes
13. Help Cless7 in creating a better guide =)
14. Credits
15. Version Updates

Luke (Basic)
7 hits -> Rending Thrust -> Slag Assault -> Rending Thrust -> Arcane Arte
*Sunlight Chamber (max) on Rending Thrust

Luke Combo Part 1 // Cless7 wrote:
Rending Thrust > Slag Assult

This part here its just purely just to add some combos in

Luke Combo Part 2 // Cless7 wrote:
Rending Thrust > Slag Assult > Rending Thrust

Now HERE is where the FoF cancel is created, since Rending Thrust is supposed to turn into Rending Quake but didn't, it is FoF canceled.

Luke Combo Part 3 // Cless7 wrote:
Rending Thrust > Slag Assult > Rending Thrust > Arcane Art

Now since your 2nd rending thrust was canceled you can add on an extra arte. Reguardless of if it is a Base or Arcane. Most people go with Light Spear Cannon here. But a note, don't use Devil's Maw unless you cornered the enemy or it will you miss the attack and leave your self an easy prey.

Overall this is a summary

In this combo, your 2nd Rending Thrust (instead of Rending Quake) will follow your Slag Assault. Slag Assault creates an Earth FoF, and since Rending Thrust was combo'd into this appearing Earth FoF and not over an already complete one, Rending Thrust doesn't FOF change, so an FOF cancel occurs.

7 Hits -> Havoc Strike > (Invoke Earth during) Devils Inferno -> Havoc Strike -> Sonic Blast -> Fang Blade -> Any Arte
*Sunlight Chambers (max) on Havoc Strike, Fang Blade, and Devil's Inferno

In this combo, Devils Inferno/Havoc Strike/Fang Blade are FOF canceled. The 2nd Havoc Strike doesn't FOF change because the Earth FOF delayed the Fire FOF from Devil's Inferno.

Guardian Field on appearing Water FOF-> (Invoke Earth) Devil’s Inferno-> Swallow Fury-> (Invoke Flame) Swallow Fury-> Sonic Blast-> (Natalia's Revive) Fang Blade -> Sonic Blast-> Havoc Strike (on top of Light FOF) -> (Invoke Earth) Devil’s Inferno->Swallow Fury-> (Invoke Flame) Swallow Fury->Swallow Fury (Natalia's Revive)->Rending Thrust-> Light Spear Cannon( FOF cancel on Light FOF) -> Shadow Fury-> OL-> Lost Fon Drive

Go here to see that entire combo done at the end of that video, now I gotta admit that’s something I couldn’t pull off myself but it certainly is possible. Hopefully you’ve realized how much you need Sunlight Chambers on those attacks.

7 Hits-> Crescent Strike-> (Invoke Flame before Wind FOF is created) Serving Wind-> Tiger Blade/Tempest -> Thunder Beast

Guy Combo Part 1 // Cless7 wrote:
Crescent Strike > Invoke Flame Serving Wind

This part is mainly to combo but you want to make sure you get your Fire FoF circle before the wind. This will create a FoF cancel on the Serving Wind.

Guy Combo Part 2 // Cless7 wrote:
Crescent Strike > Invoke Flame > Serving Wind > Tiger Blade/ Tempest

In this section, Tiger Blade or Tempest is used to uphold the enemy in the air while adding a few extra hits to the combo.

Guy Combo Part 3 // Cless7 wrote:
Crescent Strike > Invoke Flame > Serving Wind > Tiger Blade/Tempest > Thunder Beast

Here is where the FoF cancel is taken advantage of, while using Beast on a Wind FoF circle it is changed and should link into the attack perfectly. Alternatively you may use Dragon Tempest if you want instead.

Alternative: This one requires timing but if you are able to use Natalia's Revive to cancel out the Serving Wind, and using Invoke Earth to cancel out Guy's Tiger Blade creates 2 FoF. Although time is crucial, being able to pull it off lets you use another arte

Ex: 7 hits> Crescent Strike-> Revive> Serving Wind> Tiger Blade> Invoke Earth(during Tiger Blade)> Tempest> Thunder Beast

Extension to that last combo-> Invoke Wind -> Dragon Tempest -> Overlimit Cancel -> Tempest-> 7 hits -> Tiger Blade-> Crescent Strike-> Serving Wind (Invoke Flame after the Wind FOF but before he lands) -> Searing Gale-> MA

Hopefully those 2 combos are self-explanatory.

Jade(Mid) Credits to Drake Irving for the Fire FoF> Impaling Heaven idea

Inferno Prison> Impaling Heaven>Thunder Lance>Sonic Spear>Lightning Tempest

Natalia (Mid) *This is done on a huge enemy*
Revive-> Gallant Barrage-> Aerial Laser -> Star Embrace(Invoke Water)-> Blue Embrace -> OL-> back step-> Star Embrace -> MA

Natalia Combo Part 1 // Cless7 wrote:
Revive> Gallant barrage

Revive is used to create a light FoF which is used later while Gallant Barrage is used to create in some hits

Natalia Combo Part 2 // Cless7 wrote:
Revive> Gallant barrage> Aerial Laser

Here is where the FoF cancel is created letting you used another arte

Natalia Combo Part 3 // Cless7 wrote:
Revive> Gallant barrage> Aerial Laser> Star Embrace(Invoke Water)

Here the time is important as invoke water is used to cancel out star embrace creating another FoF cancel.

Natalia Combo Part 4 // Cless7 wrote:
Revive> Gallant barrage> Aerial Laser> Star Embrace(Invoke Water)> Blue Embrace

Since your able to use another arte, this time you need to stall time so Blue Embrace is used here

Natalia Combo Part 5 // Cless7 wrote:
Revive> Gallant barrage> Aerial Laser> Star Embrace(Invoke Water)> Blue Embrace> OL

OL is used here to add in 1 hit, but more importantly able to use your MA which blue embraces stalls the enemy

Natalia Combo Part 6 // Cless7 wrote:
Revive> Gallant barrage> Aerial Laser> Star Embrace(Invoke Water)> Blue Embrace> OL > Back step> Star Embrace > MA

Hopefully you know how to back step already because it is a AD skill. Now Star Embrace is used to pull in extra hits. And according to Natalia's MA rule, Astral Rain can be used with any arcane arte from anywhere and it will still connect. So mainly while the Star Embrace arrows are falling her MA activates and when it does it lifts the enemy into the arrows that are created by Star Embrace dealing extra hits. Followed by her actual MA.

2 FoF cancel above

Tear (I can’t really think of any)

Anise (Basic)
Spell Save Bloody Howling->6 hits-> any 3 artes (but the final Arte has to knock back)-> Bloody Howling->OL-> Dragon Surge (FOF canceled)-> Dual Punishment-> Shadow Raid-> Brutal Torrent-> MA + Extension


With him you can do everything Luke can(In terms of FOF cancel) but I’ll add one for him for those Asch Fans and what you can pull off with him just soloing (no Tear or Natalia)

Majutsuko's combo for FoF canceling(Idea was his)

Also Majutsuko also gives another clear explanation, but this time, it's step by step

Stalagmite > Fang Blade > Rending Thrust > Devil's Inferno > Havoc Strike > Rending Blast .... Thunder Blade > OL Cancel > Light Spear Cannon > Rending Havoc > Lightning Tiger Blade > Rending Saber

Here is what it looks like


Here's an example of a combo for Asch:

Stalagmite> Devil's Inferno > Havoc Strike > Sonic Blast > Fang Blade > Light Blast

Now below I'll run through each step of this combo with an explanation:

Asch Combo Part 1 // Majutsuko wrote:
Stalagmite> Devil's Inferno

Asch casts Stalagmite from a distance, runs in and does Devil's Inferno. Meanwhile the Earth FOF appears and causes an FOF cancel.

Asch Combo Part 2 // Majutsuko wrote:
Stalagmite > Devil's Inferno > Havoc Strike

Asch can use Havoc Strike because the new Fire FOF is "delayed" by the old Earth FOF circle. In any case, Havoc Strike also causes another FOF cancel. Now, take note that this is the 1st and only Base arte used so far.

Asch Combo Part 3 // Majutsuko wrote:
Stalagmite > Devil's Inferno > Havoc Strike > Sonic Blast

Because Havoc Strike FOF canceled, Asch is allowed to perform any Arte. So in this combo he goes with Sonic Blast, (an Arcane Arte).

Asch Combo Part 4 // Majutsuko wrote:
Stalagmite > Devil's Inferno > Havoc Strike > Sonic Blast > Fang Blade

Wait, how can Fang Blade be used if the previous Arte (Sonic Blast) didn't FOF Cancel for this next Arte? He's already used 3 Artes, and has already passed the usual 1 Arcane Arte limit, so he can't use anymore Arcane Artes. But, he hasn't used 2 Base Artes in this combo yet. So even though there's no more FOF cancel, Asch is still allowed to fill his 2-Base Arte limit.

Asch Combo Part 5 // Majutsuko wrote:
Stalagmite> Devil's Inferno > Havoc Strike > Sonic Blast > Fang Blade > Light Blast

When Asch used Fang Blade over Sonic Blast's Wind FOF, it caused an FOF cancel. Now he's allowed to use any Arte he wants. Here he decides to go with Light Blast (FOF Change).

Submitted by Kyo_Suzaku

Thunder Blade>Light Spear Cannon>Devil's Inferno >Swallow Fury> Sonic Blast> Fang Blade> Lightning Tiger Blade.

Light Spear cannon is canceled from Thunder Blade. Swallow Fury is canceled from Devil's Inferno, Fang blade canceled from Sonic Blast. And the advantage taken is from the Lightning Tiger Blade.


Majutsuko's Explanation
*Cless Note: For those who don't yet fully understand what I was explaining, here's another one from Majutsuko.

Well, the basic premise of it is that if a complete FOF circle appears beneath you during an arte that can FOF change with that kind of circle, you can follow that skill up with any other arte. For example:

Luke uses Light Spear Cannon. Partway through, a Wind FOF appears beneath him. Since Light Spear Cannon can use a Wind FOF, a sort of glitch occurs where you can follow it up with any other arte (this is the FOF-Cancel). So for instance, now you could use a 2nd Arcane arte in a row, including another Light Spear Cannon, though this time it will FOF-change if that Wind FOF circle is still there.

Basically as long as the FOF circle is complete, or your FOF-compatible arte has a sunlight chamber on it, an FOF-Cancel is possible. Here's an FOF-Cancel combo that's easy to do:

Rending thrust-> Slag Assault-> Rending Thrust-> Rending Quake (From using Rending Thrust again)

You have to chain the 2nd Rending Thrust so it comes out immediately after Slag Assault; if you're slow it'll just FOF change right away. (Best to use a sunlight chamber on RT)

There is another more advanced way to FOF-Cancel that I don't particularly care for since I just prefer to have characters FOF without help from other characters creating FOF circles for me. For example:

Say you want to use a combo like Devil's Inferno-> Havoc Strike-> Shadow Fury (from Swallow Fury). Normally this is not possible because there are two Arcane artes in there. Plus if you do Devil's inferno-> Havoc Strike (sunlight chamber), Havoc Strike will immediately turn into Burning Havoc because of the Fire FOF. But, the trick is to do Devil's Inferno over an appearing FOF circle (of any kind but Fire/Light in this case), then when you chain Havoc Strike it'll just FOF-Cancel instead of FOF change (the circle gets delayed or something?), then you can use any skill you want again, like Swallow Fury (which just FOF changes into Shadow Fury).


Majutsuko's Laws of comboing.

1. Every combo is entitled to 1 Arcane Arte and 2 Base Artes (in any order).

2. Every normal combo is also limited to 1 Arcane Arte and 2 Base Artes.

3. The Arte limits in normal combos can only be surpassed with FOF Cancels and Spell Cancels.

4. FOF Cancels do not take away from your entitlements in Law #1.

5. Any 1 Arte may be used after an FOF Cancel.

6. Spell Cancels reset all combo Arte limits back to those of Laws 1 & 2.

7. Low and Mid level spells count as Base Artes, whereas Fonic and High level spells count as Arcane Artes. Therefore spells still follow all other laws.

FAQ section

1. Do I really need to know this?
No you don't, it's just for people who want to do larger combos.

2. Does FOF canceling matter in terms of Light and Dark FOFs?
No, you can use them to FOF cancel as well.

3. You listed the wrong technique names.
Yes I know, I haven't played it in a while so my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be.

4. Where can I get Sunlight Chambers?
The easiest way is to steal from Sword Dancer 3, but otherwise they're scattered all throughout the 2nd half of the game. Check out some walkthroughs for exact locations.

5. Are Sunlight Chambers really necessary?
No, but it makes FOF canceling a hell of a lot easier. You can't normally FOF change on an incomplete circle, and keep in mind that an FOF cancel is an FOF change that could have happened. It's really out of convenience so that you don't have to keep waiting for complete FOF circles to form.

6. Theres a major mistake on this guide...
Please do tell me so that i may fix it.

7. Can I submit my own combo?
Sure, as long you don't pull the same type of combo, and I'll credit you on each one you can do. But preferably you should try to get at least about 2 FoF cancel in a combo if possible.

8. If using sunlight chambers, do I need to have the correct element still?
Yes, the sunlight chambers are mainly used just to make FoF canceling easier

9. What is Overlimit Canceling?
Overlimit canceling is mostly used to quickly regain cover or send an enemy back into the air after staggered onto the ground. The most common use people have for it is using after a spell or Guy's Dragon Tempest.


Tips Section:

1. When attempting to go with Tear's Invoke [Element/Fonon], don't forget to add in Tear's Witch Craft Fonic Arte, or or anything that speeds up your casting time (like a Mystic Symbol).

2. Unlimited FoF canceling- When enemy bosses use Mystic Artes just as Big Bang, Mystic Cage, Time Stop etc. During these moments no FOF changes are allowed in this period of time created a moment I like to call "Unlimited Fof canceling" You can perform the arte over and over and over during this period of time because the enemy mystic's artes prevent the FoF and since you aren't allowed to change the FoF arte every arte that corresponds correctly is canceled.Such as this example: The artes listed below are personally I think the quickest artes.

Devil's Inferno-> Havoc Strike-> Havoc Strike-> Havoc Strike-> Havoc Strike-> Havoc Strike(until the unlimited FoF cancel period is over)

Invoke Flame-> Demon Fang-> Demon Fang-> Demon Fang-> Demon Fang
Invoke Water-> Crescent Strike-> Crescent Strike -> Crescent Strike-> Crescent Strike->Crescent Strike-> Crescent Strike. You get the idea.

Invoke Earth> Sonic Spear> Sonic Spear> Sonic Spear> Sonic Spear> Sonic Spear

You get the overall idea.

Unlimited FoF canceling SUPER MAJOR SPOILERS
Credits to Nore139 on the video.

3. While FOF canceling does indeed increase your combos, do realize in mind that it is all one BIG COMBO so the factor about damages going down still applies, and FOF canceling enough can bring your damage down straight to 1 damage.


Side Notes Section:

1. I'm stopping off all Asch combos because I think there is enough already for people to get the point and the idea.

2. I also please ask that you do not copy this guide and post it as your own, even though I have no copyright of this guide. If you do wish to post it in another forum, then please credit me as the creator of this guide here at Namco's Tales Forum. Thanks!

3. For videos that clearly say the word SPOILER, I mean that when I say theres a spoiler up ahead.

4. This is an obvious but this doesn't work in Tales of the World.

5. I'm trying to get more video but until i get a capture card to work well,(more like go out and buy one) there wont be much to watch.


I need help with the following sections at the moment:

1. Tear's FoF cancel combo
2. Tester for those combos. (preferably shown on Youtube)
*3*- Help with coding so i can have a content table so people can scroll faster!


Majutsuko- Proof-reading this, and helping to correct my grammar/mistakes, and for providing his version of FOF canceling. And a vervision of this guide.
Natsumi- Giving me the BBcode to post onto the guides section
Lunar Eclipse- Posting up this guide on the FAQ section ;p
Kyo_Suzaku- Giving an Asch combo(That I kind of changed a bit)
Drake Irving- Giving me the brilliant idea to Jade's FOF cancel.
kryptonite- Testing out Jade's FOF cancel combo to make sure it works.

0.1 change- added a major change. These include new FOF combos, graphs, video, explanations.
0.01 change- added a minor change. These include typos, credit adding, and pretty much anything that doesn't deal with the FOF and isn't among the above.

Version 1.0- Normal Type up of guide
Version 1.1- Proof-reading and fixing this guide up a bit. Also changed some FOF combos
Version 1.2- Added Majutsuko's Explanation to he guide.
Version 1.3- Removed and added a few things. Got help from Majutsuko thanks to his knowledge of BBcode
Version 1.4- Worked on FoF cancels in explaining. And got help from Majutsuko on a few errors on this. New Asch Combo(although since when Asch cast Ground Dasher?) Added an alternate to Guy's Combo
Version 1.5- Changed Ground Dasher into Stalagmite. Changed Natalia's combo and gave it an explanation.
Version 1.51- Added an extra person for credit
Version 1.52- Changed a few typos.
Version 1.6- Got rid of Jade's FoF combo because it just sucks. Added a FAQ section question. Added Majutsuko's laws of combing. Added in a new combo. Added unlimited Fof canceling explanation. New Video.
Version 1.61- changed notes, and added side notes section
Version 1.7- Added in a Jade FOF cancel, that actually takes advantage of his FoF. Added Key chart.
Version 1.8- New video on Japanese explanation and shows bit by bit.
Version 1.9- Fixed Guy's FOF(forgot to include Invoke Flame) and removed broken links updated a few bottom side sections, fixed MANY spelling errors. Added Table of Contents. LASTLY i could use some help with coding!

LASTLY, if you do have a few questions feel free to PM me or ask on this forum(it doesn't count as a revival topic if you actually have something that relates to this guide). However if you do PM me I will try to answer the best I can.
