Welcome 2 my families world! I decided 2 start my very own family here on theO! If u wanna be part of my family then just pm me of comment on my comment box below. There r a few rules u have 2 follow tho if u wanna be part of my family.
Family Rules
1. U must be nice 2 ALL family members
2. NO nasty comments on whatever any family member posts on here (like fan art, blogging, complaining about their day,etc)
3. When u comment/pm me then u have 2 tell me which part of the family u want 2 be (bro,sis,mom,dad,aunt,uncle,cuz,etc.)
4. We all must welcome each family member w/ open arms
My Family Members
- animelover7310-Sister
- Luna chan-Cousin
- darkatana-Sister
- shizuka101-Cousin
- MagicRinger-The annoying gold fish that never seems to die (don't ask)
- Heartkruez-Sister
- Madsion-Mother
- Bloodspike-Brother
- KoInu kyan-crazy neighbor
Pls join my family!
Family activities:
Coloring Eggs:
Make a wally, e-card, or artwork of a colorful Easter egg. (For more details look below or click here