- Created By Yugara
Subs x3
AWWW i'm so happy i'Ve got 60 subs
i'm so thankful to ya all :o
i'm sorry i'm slacking off the last few months T__T
but i got to do so much about the university and the job T__T
BUT THAHA :D i'm working on coloring a lineart from someone on devianart
so it will be here till the 25th x33 :D
and i'm working on a pic from Black Cat it contains Sven and Eve on it but her dress is friqqing difficult T__T so this will take a lil bit longer so please be patient :D
Have a nice evening/day xD
Tiring Day
I have no time to draw x___x
But without learning i'll fail at the exams xDDDD
But i plan, to draw a collage for these pokemon/digimon challenge, a collage of 4 mon's xD
2 digimons and 2 pokemons :>
i really like Guilmon and Flamemon as digimons :D
and from pokemon Raichu and Absol :>
and i get a lil bit worried somehow my pic doesn't go well at theotaku but maybe i only draw not good enough or nothing special xDD
well so far for my first post :x
i know a lil bit dull and nothing really interesting but i had to do something else than maths the hole day :D
thx for reading^^
i'm happy about every commment like if my idea of the challenge is good or bad
how i can improve myself with my drawing and so on :D
p.s: it's such a nice weather today *-*