The grotesque underbelly of Japan's kawaii culture...

The grotesque underbelly of Japan's kawaii culture... That got your attention? Good, because that's the theme of an upcoming event at NYC's Japan Society. From December 3-5, Japan Society will present the world premiere of its commission to Bessie Award-winning American choreographer Jeremy Wade.

Titled "there is no end to more", the dance will take a playful and cynical look at Japanese kawaii culture -- from the infantile fluff of Hello Kitty to teenage doe-eyed love portrayed in anime -- exploring its ubiquitous influence on the world today using a bold and violent juxtaposition of movement, text, and animation.

Wade, who is based in Berlin, directs "there is no end to more", which features actor/dancer Jared Gradinger in collaboration with Brooklyn-based Japanese manga artist/illustrator Hiroki Otsuka, Berlin-based video artist Veith Michel, and musician Brendan Dougherty. The set was designed by architects Katja Mitte and Henning Ströh and text co­written by Wade and visual artist/writer Marcos Rosales.

"there is no end to more" will be preformed December 3-5 at Japan Society (333 East 47th Street)...

Thursday, December 3, 7:30 PM

Friday, December 4, 7:30 PM — Post-Performance Discussion

Saturday, December 5, 7:30 PM

Tickets are $20 (or $15 for Japan Society members). For tickets and to learn more, visit
