Polysics! February 13! Gramercy Theatre!

Japan's Polysics are coming to NYC on February 13! Formed in 1997 by Japanese high school student Hiroyuki Hayashi, the Polysics are named after Hayashi's first keyboard, a Korg Polysix. After watching some live footage of Devo and becoming heavily inspired by new wave music of the West, Hayashi decided to quit his job and form a band that would expand on the cartoonish image and musical ideas of the zany art-punk icons he had seen on TV. He linked up with drummer Junichi Sugai and Sako (aka Poly 2), who took the role of singing vocoded robotic vocals and driving the low-end through a bass synthesizer, as well as Kayo, the antithesis of spastic performers, whose stoic, mechanical stage presence on the synthesizer and vocoder combined with the other members' frenetic live antics have melded into the unique stage dynamic the Polysics are known for today.

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