The New York Anime Festival's 2008 posters have just come into the office, and I'm excited. They look great and, personally, they make me geek out just a little bit. If you live in NYC, you'll start seeing them hanging up in Kinokuniya, Image Anime, Midtown Comics, and a few other comic and anime shops in the next few weeks. If you don't live in NYC, you'll see them at the NYAF booth at AnimeNEXT and Otakon.
But what if you're not in NYC or aren't going to any summer cons? Or what if you're impatient? Well, I've got just the thing for you! The New York Anime Festival's Guess The NYAF Poster Memorial Day Contest! You'll find the New York Anime Festival's 2008 poster right here...
Notice anything odd? That's right, somebody pixelated the whole thing. If you're the first to guess which show it is over at the NYAF forum (just follow the link above), I'll be sending you out your very own copy of this non-pixelated, movie-theater-sized poster! A big huzzah and kudos to the mysterious anime company who made this poster possible.