

So of course Sylvia would send us on another mission. Everytime I want to sleep she seems to call. My partner being such a good doggie always jumps to make her Mistress happy. Zera is her body guard and right hand. Me...well she doesn't trust me as far as she can throw me. But at least I am useful, and the only hybrid here who has managed to work well with Zera.

It was easy enough to get the captured hybrids out. We certainly do it enough. Sooner or later AC will catch on though.

I studied our fellow hybrids. One was some kind of rabbit...she looked both nervous and excited to see us. The second was a dog. She glared at us and just seemed plain pissed. Zera was giving them 'the talk.'

We are rebels...blah blah hood and equality. ..blah blah blah...Sylvia and headquarters and training...welcome to join so on and so forth. The dog girl rolled her eyes. "You want to be equal to the humans then you are fools. Also I didn't need your help to escape." I crossed my arms and hissed at her. "Oh yes you seemed to be doing such a fine job. Look you don't have to join us ok. Also next time you get caught I won't waste my time saving you. Stupid dog." She bared her fangs at me, and Zera stepped in. "We have enough problems with the humans. We don't need to fight amongst ourselves. He is right though. You don't have to join us. You can walk away."

I sighed. "You take all the fun out of everything damn dog." She glared at me. "I am a wolf. Also you need to grow up you lazy cat!"

Through all this the bunny girl had been quiet. "P...please stop fighting. Also thank you for saving us. I was pretty scared." Zera smiled. "It's our job. We all gotta look out for each other ya know." The bunny girl smiled. I was really ready to go home and go to bed. I was not a believer of all the touchy feely crap.

-this was all I could come up with...



Hope I got them right. Essence and I have been RPing in messages to get our characters personalities down.
