
my name: Jun

occupation: former academy teacher and trainer

nicknames: sensei, the concussion fist

features: 7'5 (havent weighed self) and decently built. slight tan and normally wears a black vest with white long T underneath. black pants to match. eyes golden (yellow as most say) short hair.

skills: muay thai, karate, boxing

brief history: has fought in a great war to protect his home village where he obtained the nickname "concussion fist" from having so many of his concussion blows leaving enemies with amnesia, some cases of comas, and most of then dead on the spot. has taken the role of being a father figure to one of the students he had trained in the academy after the death of his father. has been best friends since then. *as you read on you find the rest of the documents to be missing information.

age: erased from the records

hobby: training in spare time and reading books in the village library when not on gaurd shift

misc: is normally a kind person and despite lack of being able to hold back in training he means well to those he is around. decent attitude and will take a stand without hesitation to defend his former students and current students. is known for saying " the young ones are our future..they are the kings and we must guide them to rule with a strong mind and kind heart. if the children are gone. then we have no hope for a future"

so thats basically a little about myself. nice to meet you!
