That prat, America, has forced convinced me to join this social networking? anime fan site. So here I am. The git has been spending far too much time around Kiku if you ask me. Oh well, I suppose I should make the best of it.
This kind of reminds me of Gilbert's online blog, really. I'm still trying to figure out the point of it, why not just use a journal? *scoffs* Bloody Prussians...
Earl Grey is a blend of Indian and Ceylon teas. The tea gets its unusual flavor from oil of BERGAMOT. Bergamot is a small acidic orange. The latest research indicates that the Bergamot orange is a cross between the sweet or pear lemon (Citrus Limetta) and the Seville or sour orange (Citrus Aurantium). The sour orange is native to southern Vietnam, hence the Chinese connection.
This tea has a light refreshing taste, and can be served hot with or without milk or sugar.