Hello, and welcome to Rishi's FOURTH world! Haha! Rishi doesn't know how to deleate worlds, so Rishi will keep counting! That line didn't make any sense........
Anyway! Rishi's been sugar-milk-pinapple-llama-high'd since ten in the morning......
This place is for randomness! You can't deny it! FEAR THE LLAMA!!!
.....dammit. Where's the LLAMA icon when you need it? -_-' Rishi guesses the
ninja icon will do.....or somthing......Is anyone actually reading this?! Because if you are....COMMENT ME! Rishi needs the love.....or somthing.
Banana llama! (heart)
Rishi wants to go draw a banana llama now. Oh well! Rishi doesn't mind typing~random
ninja stuff! Hee hee! (totally wasted mind space)
Rishi thinks that might be it.....Rishi's obesessed with LLAMAs, BANANAs, and
NINJAs at the moment......
Also: Canada ish awsome. :3
Nya! Rishi's leaving~!