This is Teh Biju Club
I'm the leader and SandLover13 is the co-leader.
This is an Role Play Club that posts stories that can lead to a multitude of adventures. The stories will get perverted though... so you write a perverted part, you're a perv. So everyone that's written something like that is a perv basically. It won't get that way if you don't want that to happen.
Enjoy yourselves here.


Draw your character as they were when they were younger (as in the first grade) for the up-incoming story

Point Scores

Nekomata: 15
Houkou: 20
Kaku: 5
Raijuu: 52
Dizzy: 10
Suki: 60
Takahara: 25
Chiyoko: 25
Kenneth: 40
Yami: 15
Kokoro: 20
Izzy: 15
Yoni: 15
Dutch: 25
Joe: 20
Meeko: -
Kayo: 10
Getsu: 5
Yojo: 5
Ryo: -


Rookie - Starting
Ally - 10
Animal (The animal demon you have) - 30
Half Demon - 65
Demon - 80
Biju - 100
Biju Sibling (Only for the siblings of biju ex. Misa, Kai, and Chiyoko currently) - 100
Legendary 9 Member (Only for members of the legendary 9) - 120
Biju King (Only for Kyuubi though) - Unavailable


External Image

DeidaraNarutoClan(Kyuubi ♂)-King Of Biju/Leader
SandLover13(Shukaku ♂)- Legendary 9 Member/Co-Leader(?)

Other Members:
gaaragirl911(Nekomata ♀)-Ally
Hikari Mogami(Houkou ♂)-Ally
gaara is cool135(Kaku ♂)-Rookie
vdr-07(Raijuu ♂)-Half Demon [Weasel]
firestar95(Dizzy ♀)-Ally
Sasukelover001(Suki ♀)-Wolf
imouto chan(Takahara ♀)-Ally
Otomi Babii(Chiyoko ♀)-Ally
Naomi Bear(Kenneth ♂)-Cheetah
Luna chan(Kokoro ♀)-Ally
Emo Biznich(Izzy ♀)-Rookie
wolfdemonchild9(Yoni ♀)-Ally
dutch13(Dutch ♂)-Ally
simplebeast231(Joe ♂)-Ally
animelover7310(Meeko ♀)-Rookie
littlepooch(Kayo ♀)-Rookie
AngelsCryTo(Getsu ♀)-Rookie
infernoboy10(Yojo ♂)-Rookie

Now Handing out Pre-made OCs for Teh Biju Club
Current Ocs:
Isonade (Male-3 tailed Turtle)
SojiRem Hachimata Hachibi (Male-8 tailed Snake)
SojiRem Kai (Male-10 tailed Wolf)
Naomi Bear Yurikami (Female-2 tailed Bobcat)
ajLOVEStobiRosie (Female-1 tail Skunk)
Ryochi30 Taylor (Male-1 tail Dog)
Sokou (Male-4 tailed Rooster)
Maddison (Female-3 tailed Squirrel)

Hachi's Quiz

This goes out to all the demons of the club. I need to know your natures to continue writing my semi-random stories, so I composed a list of questions so I can learn a bit more about all of you. If you feel up to it and you want to be included in my stories, please answer these questions. I’ll answer them as it goes down, so you can learn a bit about me as well! ^_^
1. What is your favorite color? (ya I know it sounds like one of the O’s quizzes.)
2. On a scale of 1-10, how evil are you with ten being the worst and one being actually nice? Five is neither good nor bad.
3. How do you feel about rain?
It depresses me
4. Do you get angered easily?
5. Do you like pranks, and if so how many do you play on humans per day?
I play about two pranks on humans per day
6. If someone insulted you, what would you do?
I would instantly beat the living daylights out of them and then later on wonder why someone would be so mean.
7. Do you feel you are happy?
For the most part
8. Do you like sake?
To the existent that I can drink it without getting too drunk.
9. How do you feel about chocolate?
What do you mean! I love it like a Mello from Death Note.
10. Do you like swimming or the sea?
Large bodies of water make me sick. I hate the sea.
11. What is your favorite food?
Ice cream
12. Do you like animals?
Yes I especially like snakes (that is why I chose Hachimata)
13. Do you like humans as company?
Depends if they talk too much I might leave
14. What is your favorite part of New York?
The artwork
15. Do you get embarrassed easily?
16. And finally, are you cool headed or hot headed and why?
I am relatively cool headed because I think about things before I say them

Why Shukaku can't be drunk/Kaku & Misa

"Land. We reached land!!!" Hachi said as he kissed the ground. He was in a transformation accident. Misa was still sobbing.

"Now what?" Kaku said as he flicked his hair. The only one not here is our favorite funky tanuki, "And where's Shukaku?"

"Must get CD before everyone hears it..." Kyuubi muttered as he went on the opposite direction. Houkou, Hachi, and Neka went to find Shukaku. Poor Kaku was with Misa.

(Time Square)

"Wow the streets are crowded," Neka said uneasily.

"Hope he isn't drunk..." Houkou said, "If he loses his mind, not only would he turn back into demon, but he'll be more worse than Misa."

Just then a familiar voice was heard.

"Hey baby. Do ya have *hic* a map? Cuz' I get lost in your eyes."

"There he isss." Hachi yelled as he went inside the pub.

"Hey snakey. Come and give meh some Sake." Shukaku hiccuped. Hachi was furious.

"DON'T CALL ME SSSNAKEY!!!" Hachi yelled and tackled the drunken tanuki. He then was beaten up and very ill.

"Your turn." Hachi said to Houkou, then fainted.

"Okay. I'M the only one who can save him." Neka announced, "Oh Shukaku-Kun!"

"Whoa Neka. I think heaven's lost an angel." Shukaku grinned evilly.

"Oh really?" Neka said. She hit Shukaku with a frying pan.

"I seem to lost my phone number. Can I borrow yours?" Shukaku said as he fainted.

(Back at the docks)
Kaku was a little worried at first. Then he had an idea.

"What do you wanna do, Misa?"

"Can we go to the big Toys R Us?" Misa asked.



(Toys R Us)

"She'd be probably be at the ferris wheel or the Barbie dollhouse." Kaku thought to himself.

"Cool Videogames!" Misa yelped as she held a controller. Kaku sighed and went to the Naruto section to get Misa a gift.

(Ferris Wheel)

"Why do ya like Kyuubi so much?" Kaku asked Misa, wondering why a cute demon would and someone as cold as Kyuubi.

"Well, He's smart, cool, serious, and very strong." Misa quietly said, "He doesn't go drooling and all pervy when it comes to girls."

"I have a present for you." Kaku gave Misa a Nine-Tailed Naruto doll. Misa cried.

"It's okay. I'm here for you." Kaku cooed as he hugged Misa.

"You are so kind to me," Misa hiccuped, "Thank you Kaku-kun!"

"You're welcome."

"Now where is Kyu-Kun?"


Biju Talk Show; Part 1

Neko: Okay! Here we are on a boat!

Hachi: Obviously.

Neko: Anyway....I was wondering if we have the coordinates for New York?

Houkou: Let me check! *runs off*

Kyuubi: What's today's topic?

Neko: Um, Shukaku?

Everyone: *glancing around*

Kaku: Where's Shukaku??

Hachi: And Misa?!

Kyuubi: Oh no! They must have died! *panics*

Neko: I don't think they died...but it's weird that they both are missing...

Houkou: I'm back! And yes, the coordinates are set! *looks at everyone* Um...what's going on?

Kaku: We don't know where Shukaku and Misa are...

Hachi: Well...I think it's good that Misa's gone...

Kaku: Kyuubi? Neko? You two have been very quiet this whole time?

Hachi: Yeah...What are you thinking?

*tumble weed rolls by*

Neko: see...something kinda happened...

Hachi, Kaku, Houkou: *doom clouds appear over their heads*

Part 2 coming soon!

The Reason Hachi Hates the Ocean

Hachi was still angry that everyone blamed him for the plane going down. It wasn’t his fault that the transformation jutsu had always been hard for him. Attacks were much easier and far more fun. Hiding out in his room, Hachi began to wonder what all the noise was about on deck.
“They are way too loud,” Hachi said aloud, “I guess I had better practice the transformation jutsu before we get to New York. It would probably be bad if ssssomeone sssaw a huge sssssnake coming at them. Letssss ssssssssee. Transsformation Jutsu!”
In a poof of smoke Hachi practiced transforming into a normal looking boy. Oh Crap! Hachi thought as he looked at himself in the mirror. I turned into a girl! There reflecting in the mirror was a girl with black hair and eyes with very pale skin. The skin didn’t look as scaly as before, but it was still very pale. She was wearing a black kimono that draped to the just before the floor. Don’t freak out, Hachi told himself, I can undo this.
“Transform!” Hachi said aloud, but nothing happened.
“I said transform!” Hachi tried again, but still nothing happened.
What is going on with my chakra? Hachi though. It is as if when I store it up, it disappears. It must be that blasted sea. I am not a sea snake and the motions are just not for me. I feel sick. If the other demons find out, it will just be another reason for them to be angry at me. *sigh* I’m going to be stuck like this for a while. I guess I can just hide out in my room for a while.
Just then Nekomata and Kyuubi walked in.
“And then I said….holy! Hachi! Is that you?” Kyuubi said.
“Dam,” Hachi sighed.
“What in the world did you do to yourself?” Nekomata asked nearly laughing.
“That sea out there is eating my chakra and I can’t transform back,” Hachi explained.
“Wow you are kinda pretty Hachi,” Kyuubi said staring, “and the transformation doesn’t have as much scaly skin as before. Maybe you should keep it.”
“Don’t insult me,” Hachi said nearly laughing himself. He looked in the mirror again and held back a laugh.
“Hey! You don’t have that problem with your S either! What a great jutsu!” a voice said.
Hachi looked around and saw Shukaku smiling at him from over Neko and Kyu’s heads.
“Thanks, but the problem is this blasted sea is draining me of my chakra and won’t let me change back. I need land,” Hachi said trying not to sound as angry as he was inside. Were they being mean or were they being serious? No I think they are being serious. Hmmm.
Hachi looked in the mirror again and sighed. Stuck in a human body…what an embarrassment to all demon kind, but it was somewhat nice looking….for a human body anyways.
“Wow! Who are you?” Misa’s happy voice exploded in the room. She was forcing her way through the door.
“Misa….it’s me Hachi,” Hachi explained.
“Wow you are so pretty in that jutsu!” Misa said grabbing Hachi’s hand, “come on deck and we’ll sing and be happy!”
“Ya and have the sailors wonder where a girl with black hair and kimono came from. They don’t know we’re demons remember,” Kyuubi said sarcastically.
“Thanks Kyu-san,” Hachi sighed. This was going to be one long boat ride.
Misa was angry, but throughout the rest of the main boat ride, Hachi managed to hide out in his room feigning an illness.
Houkou and Kaku were informed on what was going on and they nearly burst into laughter. When the boat ride was over, Hachi ran down the bridge before the sailors could see and transformed back into the body he had come on board with. This time though, he noticed that it was easier to transform, and his skin was not as scaly. I guess, I managed to get some practice in…I will have to still be careful though.
“So are you going to be ok now or what?” Houkou smiled.
“I’ll be fine.”
“Awwwwwwwwwwwww you’re not pretty anymore!” Misa nearly sobbed.

Summer Kareoke Boat: Nekomata & Misa

Our 7 biju are in a boat. A stage full of people waited for the entertainment. Kaku was worried.

"Whose gonna go first? The people are still angry at Hachi-san for crashing in the ocean." Kaku said.

"Misa and I will go." Nekomata said. Misa crossed her arms smiling.

A clay house was on the stage with Misa on top of the roof. Neka was at the bottom.

Neka:There's a little creepy house
In a little creepy place
Little creepy town
In a little creepy world
Little creepy girl
With her little creepy face
Saying funny things that u have never heard

Do you know what it's all about
Are you brave enough to figure out
Know that you could set your world on fire
If you are strong enough to leave your doubts

Misa:Feel it

Neka:Breathe it

Misa:Believe it

Both:And you'll be walking on air

Neka:Go try

Misa:Go fly

Neka:So high

Both:And you'll be walking on air
You feel this
unless you kill this
Go on
And you're forgiven

Neka:I knew that
I could feel that
I feel like
I am walking on air

MisaShe has a little funny cat
And a little creepy bat
Little rocking chair and an old blue hat
That little creepy girl
Oh she loves to sing
She has a little gift
An amazing thing
With her little funny eyes of hazel
With her little funny old blue hat
She will go and set the world on fire
No one ever thought she could do that

Neka:Feel it

Misa:Breathe it

Neka:Believe it

Both:And you'll be walking on air

Neka:Go try

Misa:Go fly

Neka:So high

Both:And you'll be walking on air
You feel this
unless you kill this
Go on
And you're forgiven

Misa:I knew that
I could feel that
I feel like
I am walking on air

Both:Flitter up
and Hover down
Be all around
Be all around

You know that I love you, go on

Feel it
Breathe it
Believe it
And you'll be walking on air
Go try
Go fly
So high
And you'll be walking on air
You feel this
unless you kill this
Go on
And you're forgiven
We knew that
We could feel that
We feel like
We are walking on air

The people was happy at the performance. The boys were shocked.

"Kyu-Kun!" Misa yelped and leaped into Kyuubi's arms, but fell in the water. Kyuubi laughed and left to go to sleep.

"Misa!!!" Houkou yelled and jumped to save Misa.

To be continued...