This is Teh Biju Club
I'm the leader and SandLover13 is the co-leader.
This is an Role Play Club that posts stories that can lead to a multitude of adventures. The stories will get perverted though... so you write a perverted part, you're a perv. So everyone that's written something like that is a perv basically. It won't get that way if you don't want that to happen.
Enjoy yourselves here.


Draw your character as they were when they were younger (as in the first grade) for the up-incoming story

Point Scores

Nekomata: 15
Houkou: 20
Kaku: 5
Raijuu: 52
Dizzy: 10
Suki: 60
Takahara: 25
Chiyoko: 25
Kenneth: 40
Yami: 15
Kokoro: 20
Izzy: 15
Yoni: 15
Dutch: 25
Joe: 20
Meeko: -
Kayo: 10
Getsu: 5
Yojo: 5
Ryo: -


Rookie - Starting
Ally - 10
Animal (The animal demon you have) - 30
Half Demon - 65
Demon - 80
Biju - 100
Biju Sibling (Only for the siblings of biju ex. Misa, Kai, and Chiyoko currently) - 100
Legendary 9 Member (Only for members of the legendary 9) - 120
Biju King (Only for Kyuubi though) - Unavailable


External Image

DeidaraNarutoClan(Kyuubi ♂)-King Of Biju/Leader
SandLover13(Shukaku ♂)- Legendary 9 Member/Co-Leader(?)

Other Members:
gaaragirl911(Nekomata ♀)-Ally
Hikari Mogami(Houkou ♂)-Ally
gaara is cool135(Kaku ♂)-Rookie
vdr-07(Raijuu ♂)-Half Demon [Weasel]
firestar95(Dizzy ♀)-Ally
Sasukelover001(Suki ♀)-Wolf
imouto chan(Takahara ♀)-Ally
Otomi Babii(Chiyoko ♀)-Ally
Naomi Bear(Kenneth ♂)-Cheetah
Luna chan(Kokoro ♀)-Ally
Emo Biznich(Izzy ♀)-Rookie
wolfdemonchild9(Yoni ♀)-Ally
dutch13(Dutch ♂)-Ally
simplebeast231(Joe ♂)-Ally
animelover7310(Meeko ♀)-Rookie
littlepooch(Kayo ♀)-Rookie
AngelsCryTo(Getsu ♀)-Rookie
infernoboy10(Yojo ♂)-Rookie

Now Handing out Pre-made OCs for Teh Biju Club
Current Ocs:
Isonade (Male-3 tailed Turtle)
SojiRem Hachimata Hachibi (Male-8 tailed Snake)
SojiRem Kai (Male-10 tailed Wolf)
Naomi Bear Yurikami (Female-2 tailed Bobcat)
ajLOVEStobiRosie (Female-1 tail Skunk)
Ryochi30 Taylor (Male-1 tail Dog)
Sokou (Male-4 tailed Rooster)
Maddison (Female-3 tailed Squirrel)

Yurikami's demon form

I made this like yesterday. Here you go! I picture Yurikami as a kitty!

The Great Escape

Thats what Ill use.... THE CAMERA!!! Maybe if I record what Misa is doing to us, then I will sleep in seperate rooms from her and sleep with Onii-san.

"And that is why Misa is evil. I hope I explained my point", I explain to Onii-san, Shu-kun, and all of the biju, showing them the video that i taped in Koumori's camera. Misa was just in the corner, hiding. "I dont believe it...", Shukaku said. "I thought she was an angel... now i know that she is a threat to us all!!" Shu-kun grabbed Misa by the tail. Shu-kun had a mad expression on his face and Misa was sweating and looked dumbfounded. "Explain yourself, Misa", Shu-kun said. Misa jus looked nervous and said "... umm..... I LIKE ICE CREAM!!" Misa smiled, hoping for her big brother to give her sympathy. "Misa, I am highly disappointed. You are grounded for life and you will be chained in there forever." He threw her into her room where she fell in the darkness screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." "Oh my dear Yoko", Onii-san said to me holding my paws. "I should have known you was tortured this way... I promise that you will stay by my side forever." And with that being said, He put me on his snuggly head and smiled. "I love you Yoko", he said while I was snuggling his head. I giggled.

-back to reality-
I was giggling. Yurikami seemed freaked out by my blushy red face. I snapped out of it and needed to think of a plan how to get out of the chains and record what she is doing to us.

Thinking and thinking... and still no plan. I looked around the room for a plan. Kiarah was no help because she was sitting on the floor looking at us. If i yelled to her, "Kiarah get some help", then Misa will hear me and try and put some gush in my mouth. It was not worth it... . I thought of another plan and i noticed the brand new chakra chains. BINGO!

"Hey Misa, is that a new chakra chain", I ask misa. She turned around from putting some gush in Yurikami's mouth and said "Yeah... the other onebroke cause it was so rusty...." DOUBLE BINGO! "oh no", I fake panicked. "Its getting rusty. Oh my, oh dear, of heaven's no!" Misa was shocked. It was a good thing she was blind too. "Where?!?! Where?!? I just bought these yesterday!", she yelled in fustration. "Its... uh... down... under the bed...? Yeah! UNDER THE BED!!! HURRY MISA! THE RUST IS SPREADING!!!!", I yelled to her.

She was crawling all over the bed just to find the edge. When she found the edge of the bigg bed, she accidentally tripped and bumped her head. She was knocked out.. but I can tell it was only for a little while. This was my chance. "Hey! Hey you", I whispered to Koumori but she was too busy recording herself. "Koumori! Hey!" I tried and tried to get her but she was too conceited. I was starting to get mad. "HEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Finally I got her attention ut I woke up Misa. Crap!

"ummm... hurry Misa!!!", I yelled to Misa. Misa crawled slowly under the bed. Yes, its working. Koumori was still looking at me. "Koumori, pass your camera over here. She gave me a dirty look. "Cant you see Im busy over here?", she snapped at me. I got pissed. "Listen you baka, if you dont give me that damn camera right now, i promise you, YOU WILL BE THE ONE IN THESE CHAINS!!!", I snapped back. She got scared and threw the camera over the bed... but it was heading the wrong way.

-slow motion-
"Noooooooooooo", I yelled. The camera was getting further and further. I was watching it while it sored the wrong way. Tears were ready to come out my eyes. Then a miracle happened. Yurikami's tails got free and catched the camera. I was relieved.

-normal motion-
"OH YURIKAMI! BLESS YOUR SOUL!!", I yelled to her. I wanted to give her alot of hugs and licks but i was chained. Yurikami just smiled and said "Im into the plan too." I smiled back. "pass the camera over here", I commanded politly. She did so and I caught the camera with my mouth. I tossed it to my feet and saw that the memory was full. what the hell! I wanted to see why the memory was full so i played the video. It showed Koumori taunting and showing her stuff. "Im... to sexy for my shirt... to sexy for shirt that it hurts!" I paused the video and attempting to re-record it. My eyes were twitching and I was quite disturbed. I stopped the video from reverse and recorded myself.

"Hello this is Chiyoko. I am in Misa's room... CHAINED UP AND FORCED TO EAT HER FERTILIZER!!! Yurikami is with me", I said to the camera. I, then, turned the camera to Yurikami. She waved. I turned the camera back to me. "Shu-kun, your sister is PURE EVIL! Please hear me out.... I want to get out of here. And to Onii-san... hi!!"

I stopped the video and was relieved that all of that was done. "hey.. the chain is not rusty.. oh well... back to the babies", I heard Misa say. Yurikami and I looked at each other in fear. Then I had an idea. "Yurikami", I turned to look at her. "You noticed that you are a 3 tail and Misa is a one tail, right?" She looked at her tails and nodded. "Well we are more powerful than Misa. We can break through the chains!" Yurikami was still confused. I sighed. "Just try and break free", I told her. We struggled and tried but it wouldnt budge. "Hurry, misa is coming!", Yurikami said. When she said that, we both concentraited on our chakra. "Concentrait, Chiyoko", I said to myself. Then, at the same time, We broke free with one nudge. We were so thrilled at ourselves that we started to hug each other. I licked Yurikami and she blushed then we both laughed.

"Lets go, Chiyoko-san", Yurikami said to me. We jumped of the bed together and we ran to the door with all paws. Misa heard us then said "Hey! who goes there?" We panicked only for a little while and someone had to open the door... but it was so high. Then it hit me. THE BIRD!! I called the bird over and told it if it can fly to the door knob and open it. It said yea and flew to it. Yurikami and I looked at each other with joy then we heard her.... "Where do you think you are going, little babies?" We turned around to see Misa's face. She was smirking evilly. The door had open and Misa was in shock. "How did you get out of my brand new chains? Aww man!!" she complained. "C'mon!", I yelled to Yurikami. I grabbed her tail with mines and we rushed out of the room to find Shu-kun and Onii-san. "HEY! GET BACK HERE", misa said and she chased after us. Koumori was still mad about the camera thing. "GIVE BACK MY CAMERA!!!", she said and chased after me also. Kiarah was still in the room looking blank.

In Misa's room...

Why? Why do I have to be placed in this room again... WITH MISA THE CRAZY TANUKI?!?! After what had happened last night, I cnt look at her the same way anymore. She terrifies me.... Shu-kun, dont you reliaze your sister has issues, I thought to myself.

At least there are some eyewitnesses in the room. The new biju, Yurikami, Koumori and Kiarah, i believe. Yurikami looks like she had some issues, Koumori looks so cool, and Kiarah is so... blank.

"Hey there everyone", I said walking towards them. "My name is Chiyoko. Not to long ago, I was the new biju here. Im guessing im not the favorite anymore." I laughed and no one seemed to laugh with me. I stopped laughing and cleared my throat. "*cough* Well... arent you guys going to introduce yourselves?" They looked around the room and then to themselves. I sighed. "never mind then", I said to them. "I know who you guys are anyways..."

There was a loud booming sound that shook the floor. I knew that booming sound... it was misa with her stomps.

"Hi friends." Misa said to the three girls, "My name is Misa. You are in my playroom now..." She then turned around my way, looked at me with the evil eye and an evil smirk. I gulped. The three girls introduced themselves to Misa. WHY COULDNT THEY INTRODUCED THEMSELVES TO ME, I thought to myself.

"What do we do here?" Yurikami said. Misa smiled evilly.......... "no... dont ask her that", I said running towards Yurikami aand covering her mouth. Yurikami seemed confused and was about to cry because I grabbed her. She almosted fainted. She got some major issues, I thought to myself. When I looked up, Misa was gone. I was freaked out. When I searched around the room, i saw her crawling towards the light. When she turns off the lights, she can see you much betta... and when that happens... you are doomed. I then let go of Yurikami and ran as fast as i could to stop Misa from turning off the lights, but i wasnt fast enough. If I ran fast enough... jus an inch closer.. then I would have stopped her. "Lights out", she said. She faced me iwht a smile on her face and turned off the lights.

It was dark and i couldnt see a thing. Then something grabbed me my the tail and flinged me onto the bed. "OOOOOF!", I gave out a big breath of pain. "Whats going on", Yurikami screamed. "I hate the da- hey what are you doing? AAHHHH!" Then I heard a big thump on the big next to me.It was Yurikami. She was weezing too much. She only caught us two. Koumori and Kiarah was no where to be found since their chakra was unfamiliar to Misa. But the question is, how she knew Yurikami's chakra? There was no time for questions now. "Chiyoko-san... I dont know what is going on... its too dark", Yurikami panicked. I just sighed and told her "welcome to Misa's room..." "*evil laughter" Misa was laughing. After Yurikami screamed, I heard a clinging sound. It sounded like brand new chains.

(2 hours later)

The lights were on again. Im guessing she didnt need it anymore. I was in a baby outfit again, Yurikami was crying cuz' Misa acted somewhat liked a mother, Koumori was making a video on YouTube called Biju Taunts, and Kiarah was just looking at everyone. Misa was stuffing her goop into Yurikami's and my mouth. "No more... NO M-", I tried to say, but Misa stuffed more in my mouth. "momma loves you all", she said to us. Yurikami was crying bullets at this point. "You are not momma... You are not momma!!!", she screamed. Misa then put some gush into her mouth. "Dont talk nonsense. I am MOMMA!" When Misa said Momma, it sounded like Shu-kun missing his sake. Yurikami cried some more. I looked down on the floor and I saw Koumori with a video camera..... Thats when it hit me!

I became a Sempai?

When I woke up, Yuri-Chan wasn't there. She must have gone to get breakfast. Anyway I went to the recording studio, Chiyoko was hiding under the couch as I listened for the Demon Trio cd. I heard a new song that Kyuubi must have sung overnight.

"Want to sing a song for the Mimi Chimi CD?" I asked. Chiyoko nodded, very frightened. What has Misa done to her!?!

Is that all you got to say?
What? What?
You're rubbing me the wrong way
See your lips moving
But I don't catch a word you say
Shut up your chatter
I need for you to go away

And all I hear is ay ya ya ya ya
You're talking way too much
I can't even hear me now
All your noise is messing with my head
You're in my head
Get outta my head

Outta my, outta my head
Want you outta my head
Outta my, outta my head
Get outta my head
Outta my, outta my head
Want you outta my head
Outta my, outta my head
That's what I said

You looking at me for huh?
Show me
Respect or I will show you the door
Get out the door

I've got a problem with the way that you behave
You're too much
And all your questions don't leave me no time for me, ha ha ha

And all I hear is ay ya ya ya ya
You're talking way too much
I can't even hear me now
All your noise is messing with my head
You're in my head
Get outta my head

Outta my, outta my head
Want you outta my head
Outta my, outta my head
Get outta my head
Outta my, outta my head
Want you outta my head
Outta my, outta my head

And all I hear is ay ya ya ya ya
You're talking way too much
I can't even hear me now
All your noise is messing with my head
You're in my head
Get outta my head

All your opinions keep them to yourself
Just let me think so I can hear myself
Wouldn't it be nice if I could just go solo, take the day off?
I'd be alright if you would leave me to it, back the way out
Ay ya ya ya ya
You're talking way too much
You tell me one more time how I should live
I swear I'll bite your head off
I am who I am and I can't be no one else
You got nothing left to say
Keep your comments to yourself

Outta my, outta my head
Want you outta my head
Outta my, outta my head
Get outta my head
Outta my, outta my head
Want you outta my head
Outta my, outta my head

And all I hear is ay ya ya ya ya
You're talking way too much
I can't even hear me now
All your noise is messing with my head
You're in my head
Get outta my head!

Chiyoko was talking about Misa. Just then, a 15 year old girl with Orange/Silver hair came in.

"I-it's v-very nice to meet you all...." She stuttered. I wondered if she was Yurikami, the bocat. I did a justu.

"Henge!" I said. Out from the girl was three neko tails. I was blushing.

"Sorry Yuri-chan! I always think that whenever a biju's small, it's young." I was embarassed. No wonder Kyuubi calls me baka. I remind myself acting like that Naruto Uzumaki kid.

"It's okay Shukaku-Sempai! I understand." Yuri-chan said. I became a sempai? What am I, Deidara!?! I didn't mind it.

"Why don't you and Chiyoko play with my sister Misa while I go talk to Kyuubi?" I asked. Yuri was happy to meet new friends. I noticed Chiyoko trying to be nice about it, but was scared inside. I reassured them that if anything happened, I'll save them.


Meeting The others...

It was 10:02 pm when i woke up. It was so warm. I could remember meeting another biju like me, last night. His name was Shukaku, i believe. I remember he took me into his bedroom and put me under a blanket... it was soo warm... i began to fall asleep. I had a bad dream... it was about mama... i would ask her "Why dont you love me?" but she wouldn't answer... she would just turn away from me and start to walk away. I would run towards her shouting "mama!" but no matter how far i ran, i could never catch up to her. I woke up becuase i was scared. I didnt mean to bother Shukaku but i was really scared so i shook him and told him i was scared. That's when he sung me a lulaby... it was so soothing... so beautiful. I began to drift away into slumber. But before i did, while my eyes were closed, i saw mama's face. I'm not sue if i said it out loud but i asked mama, "Mama, Is this what they call love?".

I stopped remembering. I found myself alone. I didn't want to be alone... not again. I got up and started to rub my eyes. I froze... wait... My hands.. are in human form. My face... is not furry. I'm finally back into my human form. But how? I guess i found happiness. As i walked out the room i heard something, so i followed the noise. I found myself outside a music room i believe. I walked inside and said hello.
"H-Hello. My name is Yurikami... it's nice t-t-to meet you all."
They were all suprised to see me. Even Shukaku-sempai. I guess he miscalculated my appearince. I should of known. Just becuase i was small in demon state, they thought i was a young kid. I was 15 years of age in human form. "L-Like i said b-before.. it's nice to meet you all." As i bowed, my long orange and silver hair covered my face. I blushed out of embarressment.
I waited for an answer...