Ahh the packing begins

As soon as Kyuubi said that to us we all broke up to pack.I shrugged and went off to my house to pack what I needed taking my little problem I had kinda had to raise named Ryuu for packing.we ended up having my room destroyed and unneatened personal stuff strung away.I had made a list of things to pack and make sure of.I was not allowing Ryuu to go so he had the house to himself and he had reminded me I had Cooking duties with people.

list of things packed:
I packed up a pair of boots a
some shirts and some jeans
and other personal things

After 15 minutes I was packed up and ready but Ryuu pointed at my lips which now were supposed to have little studs in but they didn't because I had taken the studs out before I had left to Kyuubi's home I sighed"Fine you want those in for no reason?Fine"I said putting them in grimicing as they went through my skin Ryuu laughed at my weird little face and I glared but kissed his cheek running off with a backpack strung on my shoulders and my eyes shining because I was up for this challenge again and a challenge again is just what the club needs!

Of course theres the draw back of me accidently setting something on fire but I shouldn't let that get to me Wait did Dizzy pack?! I thought to myself over thinking but whatever when I got to Kyuubi's house I saw that Dizzy was set so I walked over to her putting her on my shoulders smiling "hows the veiw Dizzy?"I asked her "its..Uhm.." she started but never said anything more and I laughed

