I looked out from my stand, but the pool was empty... Where were the nosiy violent kids? more importantly where was my privite bar!?!
and then I saw a little girl standing by the pool
"What your name?"I asked.
Everything went dark and i relized that like all the other endings of all good things in my life, I had woken up. Not wanting to get up and rolled over and said,"Busu, leave me alone."
Suki, not only severly pissed but pregnent as well, deiceded to use measures i can describe to any girl, and any guy already knows what I'm talking about.
(Note to self, never piss off pregnent biju, EVER!)
Immediately hitting the floor and going through my entire stock of R-rated words I procided to on to NC-17.
"Get to Kyuubi's baka."
"Yes marm",was all I could get out.
Well, this sucks