Oh...Well thats nice...-_-' An explosion. I sniffed the air soon telling it was fire works. I just hope who ever it is has a good answer for Kyuubi!
I settled down unpacking then an alarm went off. It surprised and made me scream. I clamped my hands over my mouth quick. I hope no one heard....
Uh the alarm wont shut up! I was about to throw a kuni(I don't think I spelled that right...) at it when I remembered what Kyuubi said. ^^' "Better not brake it.." I said to myself. Sides I don't have the money to replace it...
"Mmmm...May be I'll go walk around a bit...Meet the other members that I don't know and get to know my way around the hotel. Yha! That sounds good!" ((she talks to her self))
I garbed the room key and headed out.
-_-' Sorry I couldn't think of any thing to type...