The breaks...

Following Shukaku to the hospital was a piece of cake. Ever seen those movies where the villains sneak a ride underneath the heroes car? NEVER DO IT! Ride on top. Cause as soon as that Baka, the crazy ambulance driver sees a bump he'll floor it and nearly scrape the underside clean. This is matched by the fact that stops are hectic if you don't grab on tight enough.

Sure enough when he hit the brakes at the hospital I did a catapult into a rosebush.

On a completely different subject I HATE rosebushes, all those thorns and the fact everyone seems to plant them everywhere. They are more evil than crepe myrtles. That right I accuse plants of being evil, The fact they aren’t is hidden by the goverme-


Ow! Oh right the hospital...lets see here, I got a full session of face surgery by a bush full of thorns. On recovering I notice that my party had left, stage right. Running into the emergency room I looked around, I must have knock out back there, I could find them.
Suddenly I felt a flash of heat against my skin. Now most of you might think that a fire suddenly broke out in the lobby, but that could not happen, as there isn't a green roster anywhere is sight. Instead this is a burst of insanity.
Running down a hall I skidded to a stop in front of Yuri's room. Of course, giving birth is at best hectic and this wasn't going to perfectly. No problem here. I saw Shukaku holding the three kids with such a smile. Lucky guy...

I saw Suki and Kyuubi and headed over there to the happy couple.

"Each of the children had their father’s mark of insanity in them."

Kyuubi looked at me.

"Why do you look like you got in a fight with a Rosebush?"

I touched the wounded area, "Nearly won, too".

Suki looked at Kyuubi in a fashion that told me that nothing was going to get through his skull for a bit. I got up and walk down to the coroner nurse.

"What’s the cost of the services provided here?"

She gave me a smile.

"Everything is payed for by the ladies father, really quite kind."

"I meant for the floor."

After I had gotten done paying for all the people in the emergency room that day I went out to the local import store and got a few bottles for a the party that was certain to come. Bijus seemed to congregate where anything happened.

Going back to the hospital I set up a small bar.

