Biju Talk Show; Part 1

Neko: Okay! Here we are on a boat!

Hachi: Obviously.

Neko: Anyway....I was wondering if we have the coordinates for New York?

Houkou: Let me check! *runs off*

Kyuubi: What's today's topic?

Neko: Um, Shukaku?

Everyone: *glancing around*

Kaku: Where's Shukaku??

Hachi: And Misa?!

Kyuubi: Oh no! They must have died! *panics*

Neko: I don't think they died...but it's weird that they both are missing...

Houkou: I'm back! And yes, the coordinates are set! *looks at everyone* Um...what's going on?

Kaku: We don't know where Shukaku and Misa are...

Hachi: Well...I think it's good that Misa's gone...

Kaku: Kyuubi? Neko? You two have been very quiet this whole time?

Hachi: Yeah...What are you thinking?

*tumble weed rolls by*

Neko: see...something kinda happened...

Hachi, Kaku, Houkou: *doom clouds appear over their heads*

Part 2 coming soon!
