The Gang

I was staying put on Shukaku's head. So many questions rushed through my head and I wanted to ask him everything, but the main deal is to find Onii-san and let him explain everything.

As i was cuddling on Shukaku's head, I noticed that Shukaku only have 1 tail. I wonder if he was the first to be born or something, I thought to myself. Shukaku saw me staring at the big tail. I blushed and looked away.

"Its ok to stare. You are new after all", Shukaku said with a smile. I laughed and snuggled more on the fluffy head. As Shukaku was walking, I spotted Onii-san panicking and trying to run. "Onii-san?", I said. Shukaku noticed me saying Onii-san and told me "WHERE? WHERE IS THAT LITTLE FOX!?!" I pointed where Onii-san was running with my tail and Shukaku ran towards it. Shukaku was running so fast that I feel of the head. It was a long fall but luckyly i landed on my booty. "Ow...", I said. When I looked up, I saw a minature Shukaku. It looked like a female.

"HI!", It yelled to my ear. I was scared of the little raccon, although I know it was younger than me. "Dont be afraid. Misa is a friend to ALL biju!!" It grinned.

"Misa?" I repeated the name. I guess it was hers. Misa nodded and grabbed my tail with her tail. She was dragging me somewhere.

"C'mon now! Lets go have some fun!", Misa yelled with excitement. I was panicking because out of the blue, I met a crazy little raccon that want to play with me. Who knows what will happen?!

"Onii-san, help me!", I screamed out, hoping he will hear me. "ONII-SAN!!!!!!"
