Misa and me

Dragging and pulling, Misa struggled to pull me. "Gosh, you are heavy!", she said to me. I had an annoyed look on my face. Here I am trying to find Onii-san and I am stuck here playing tug o war with a little raccon biju. Onii-san, where are you, I thought.

Misa was going around in circles and I wondered what is wrong. "Misa, is there something wrong?", I asked her. Misa had a trobled look on her face and I can tell that she was lost. "Well you see..", she started to say looking my way.. but not directly at me. "Im kinda lost... hehehe", she said, emberrested. I sighed.

"Isn't this your brother's mansion? How are you lost already?", I asked. I looked into her eyes and i can see that she had seeing problems. Misa was laughing nervously. "As you can see... I'm blind", she told me. BLIND??! Then how did she knew where I was? She started to tell me more. "Itachi, the bad guy who killed his own clan, blinded me a while back. I cannot see you but I can tell you are a pretty little wolf." I blushed and said "So you can sense me?" "Yupp. I watched... well listened to this show called Avatar and Tof was blind and she sees with her feet, so that what Im doing right now", Misa said with joy. That explains alot, I said to myself. "By the way", she started to say. "What is your name and age and description and everything?!" I smiled and told her, "My name is Chiyoko. I do not have a last name anymore. I am a arctic wolf biju. I am 14 years of age..."

"OMG!!", Misa yelled. I was interupted. "You are 14 years old and you are this small? You are my size!! How come?!?" I didnt know myself... there are alot of questions i needed to know, but Im sure that Misa wont know them. "I dont know", I sighed. "Oh Im so sorry", misa apoligized. "I didnt mean to get you upset. So Sorry!!" I grinned and said "its ok... really."

Misa reach a stopping point after 15 minutes of dragging and pulling. When I looked up, We were right in front of a big room with alot of toys. "welcome to my room", she yelled to me in excitement. Oh boy, I thought to myself.
