Viva Las Vegas

"We're gonna *hic* have some fun!" Shu-kun answered. Fun.... I wonder what his definition of "fun" was.

Shukaku was walking with me on his head, when I noticed a big crowd of men, screaming and shouting and wooting and what not. "What is going on over there", I asked Shu-kun. Shu-kun smirked with a little drool coming out. He was laughing. I was getting a little freaked out. He put me down and walked over to the crowd. As he pushed everyone from the crowd out his way, I seen a desk that a man was in with signing up papers on it. Shu-kun slammed his hand on the desk and yelled "SIGN ME UP FOR *hic* THE WRESTLING MATCH!" I sighed. Wrestling match... of course, I thought to myself.

When Shu-kun was signed up for the competition, I waited in the front row with a crowd of people for the match to begin. So this is his definiton of fun, I thought. Annoyed as i am, I couldnt be mad at shu-kun for this. After all, he is drunk. The light dimmed and the crowd went wild. Its time for the competition to begin. "Wellllllllllcome one and all... to the LAS VEGAS WRESTING MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH!!", the host yelled to the crowd. The crowd screamed louder. "Ok in this corner... we have the bumpkin that is representing Alabama... BILLLYYYYYY BOOOOOOOOOOB!" The host's voice was starting to get annoying. "And in this corner, representing SHUUUUUUUUKAKUUUUUUUU!" I popped up and saw Shu-kun waving to everyone. He is still drunk. "LET THE MATCH.... BEGIN!!!"

Billy Bob was kind of scared of how Shu-kun looked. Shu-kun walked to him and said "Boo". Billy Bob ran out of the ring with all his might. I collasped to the floor -_-'. "RING OUT!!! AND THE WINNER IS SHUKAKU!" The crowd went wild. "That was quick", I said. "Lets bring out the next competetor", the host said.

After 15 minutes, Shu-kun was in the finals. 30 men was fought, had a ring out, or KOed in 30 seconds. "Wow... Shu-kun can be tough when drunk....", I said. The Final competator was coming out. "Now for the last competator.... He representing Japan as well... give it up people... FOR KYUUBI!!!" I popped up. Onii-san was going to fight!!
