Just another day in the life of Biju... Suki p*$$ed off the Akatsuki and the Akatsuki were everywhere looking for us. "Damn..." I sighed as Storm was looking for clothes to wear instead of rags.
I was in a girl's store and I was waiting for my new friend to get done picking out something. Suki, Hachi and Kai were waiting by and were just as annoyed as me. "I'm going to look around for a bit. Call me once you get done here."
I walked out of the girl's clothing store and was looking around for a Hot Topic. Do they even have a Hot Topic here? I guessed so, because I found one.
I walked in and was browzing around, but then I noticed that the Akatsuki leader, Pein, was a cashier. Crap! This is just great. I took off my cape so I wouldn't be reconized and kept browzing to see if anything interesting was there. What I did find was a cool skull necklace and a black spiked wrist band. For me, it was my style so I grabbed the two items and continued to browze. Then something really caught my eye. It was an awesome long-sleeved black and red striped shirt and a black short-sleeved jacket. I rushed over to the clothes and took my size of those clothes before anyone could get their hands on them. "I sware, this is love!" I said as I grabbed the clothes.
Then Hidan approached me and looked me over. "Can I help you?"
My dream dispersed and I looked at the Jashinist. "Oh, sorry, yeah, I'd like to buy these."
He looked me over again and then lead me to Pein. I set the clothes on the table and Hidan walked away to help another customer. Pein scanned the items in and looked at me, yet looked like he hadn't found out who I was. "Okay, that'll be $96."
"I have a membership card here," I said handing him my Hot Topic card.
"Okay... That's $76.80."
I got out a $100 bill out from my leather wallet, from the fight with Shukaku, and gave him the bill. "Okay, your change is $23.20," he said while bagging my items, "Thanks for buying from here."
I grabbed the bag and walked back to where the others were. I walked in the store once more and Storm was still trying to get something without wasting much money. I walked into one of the changing rooms and swapped shirts and put on the jacket. I put my red cape in the bag, along with my black shirt and grabbed my necklace and wristband. I put the necklace on and put the spiked wristband on my left wrist.
I walked out of the changing room, with my bag, and looked in a mirror. "Huh, I like this look," I said.
I looked over to Storm and she was having a really hard time choosing, so I walked over and took a look at the clothes she chose. She couldn't decide if she wanted a red kimono with a black tie or a honey-yellow kimono with a blue tie. I honestly didn't like either, but that was because it wasn't my clothing style, nor was I a girl. I looked a little more and found a honey-yellow kimono with a black tie and black flower-petal designs on it.
I grabbed it and showed it to Storm and she tried it on. Personally, she liked it and we decided to buy it. it was $120.20, but I had enough money and bought it.
Once we left from the shopping trip, I really wanted to battle now! "We've wasted enough time with this shopping trip that we need to make up for missed time," I said.
"So says the Sasuke look-alike with new clothes," Suki commented.
"*groan* Come on! Suki, Kai, Hachi, where was the casino you guys and Isonade were at?"
"Come on, this way!" Suki said.
I sighed and followed Hachi, Kai, and Suki, with Storm following, and said, "Just another day..."
My Life Sucks Ass