Horray! :)

I am happy:
1.)25 members
2.)4,000 views
3.)We're going to Hollywood!

I want to let you know that Raijuu took a picute of most of us, Yurikami and Chiyoko made some fan art for the club, Isonade and Chii made a self potrait, so they might get promoted. I still need some people to try to do fancomics of the Club please. And I'm gonna add two mini missions:

1.)Fan Art:
As you know whenever we go somewhere, I, Shukaku, get drunk and ruin everything. So I want you to draw me drunk either in New York or Las Vegas or Hollywood.

2.)Demon's World:
I have my own world where I can post fanfics and post things about myself. I want everyone to make a world with your demon name on it. If you don't have any room, just put it on your blog or something... Here's an example.

http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/shukakuichibi1 Aka Shukaku's World

